Languages More than 800 different languages are spoken in Africa today 6 major categories
Language 6 major categories: Congo-Kordofanian Nilo-Saharan Afro-Asiatic Khoisan Malayo-Polynesian Afrikaans
Language Afrikaans- Spoken mainly in South Africa, contains words adapted from English, French, German and African Languages. (kinda like Spanglish)
Language English and French are the official languages of many African countries today; they are the lingua franca. Lingua Franca- common language throughout the region.
Religions Most Africans are Muslims or Christians. Christians make up the largest religious group.
Religion Xtianity was introduced in Ethiopia in 300A.D.
Religion Most African Muslims live in West Africa.
Religion Today Nigeria has the largest Islamic population in Africa.
Religion Conflicts Although many followers of different religions live together peacefully, conflict sometimes occurs between competing religious groups. In recent years Nigeria and Sudan have been scenes of conflict among Xtians and Muslims.
Education In the past, African children did not attend school but apprenticed to trades such as wood carving and metalworking. However in the 1900s formal school became widespread as Europeans introduced new ideas and education in Africa.
Education Since Independence in the 1950s, higher education has expanded. Education grew from 120,000 students enrolling in Universities in 1960 to 2,000,000 in the 1990s.
Education Literacy Rate- 60% over 15 years old, can read and write
Education Television has become a teaching tool as well as the internet. However, 1 in 100 Africans have access to a computer and internet.
The Arts African art, often expressing traditional religious beliefs, comes in many forms, from ritual masks, rhythmic drum music to folktales.
The Arts African visual arts include 2000 year old terracotta heads by the Nok culture.
The Arts Textiles- patterns reflecting distinct ethnic groups Ghana’s Kente East Africa’s Khanga
The Arts Music and dance are art forms that are part of everyday African life.
The Arts Dancers wear masks to honor specific deities, or spirits of their ancestors.
The Arts Blues and Jazz has its roots in the music Africans brought with them during the slave trade.
The Arts Oral Literature, which is chanted, sung, or recited, has a strong tradition in Africa. Oral Tradition- passing down stories from mouth to mouth, is evident in folktales, myths, and stories that have helped preserve African history.
Family No matter how different their lifestyles are, most Africans value strong family ties. In rural areas, most people still live in extended families, clans, or in their nuclear family.
Family Extended Family- household made up of several generations (Grandpas, parents, uncles, children, cousins)
Family Clan- large groups of people descended from an early common ancestor. (or like several extended families living in the same area.)
Family Nuclear Family- husband, wife and children (rapidly replacing extended families)