Independent Clause An independent clause is a group of related words that. . . has a subject and a predicate. is a complete thought. can stand alone.
Examples We ate lunch at the mall. Charlie and Lizzie are excited for Christmas. Ryan is enjoying his new Droid.
Dependent Clause A dependent clause is a group of words that . . . has a subject and a predicate. cannot stand alone as a sentence/ is not a complete thought.
Examples As we walked from school, Although she finished her work, After the student completed his test, While we waited for our name to be called,
Phrase A phrase is a group of words that lacks. . . a subject or a predicate.
Examples Since losing, Before breakfast, When reading,
AAAWWUBBIS As Although After While When Unless Because Before If Since
What do the AAAWWUBBIS words do? AAAWWUBBIS words signal a phrase or a clause. AAAWWUBBIS phrases answer the questions WHERE, WHEN, or WHY about the independent clause that follows them.
AAWWUBBIS and punctuation: Rule 1: If a sentence begins with a subordinating conjunction(AAWWUBBIS) there must be a comma followed by an independent clause. Example: After we left the park, the wind storm knocked over some of the trees. Rule 2: You will never you a comma before a subordinating conjunction. Example: The wind storm knocked over some trees after we left the park.
Why use AAAWWUBBIS words? Using an AAAWWUBBIS phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence provides. . . sentence variety, more detail, and sophistication.
Example John drove home. AAAWWUBIS way. . . After meeting Beyonce backstage, John drove home.
Example Lizzie took a deep breath. AAAWWUBIS way. . . Before skiing the black diamond slope, Lizzie took a deep breath.
Example The students made sure to turn their work in on time. AAAWWUBIS way. . . Because they would receive thirty bonus points, the students made sure to turn their work in on time.
Example I didn’t make it to class before the bell. AAAWWUBIS way. . . Although I tried to hurry, I didn’t make it to class before the bell.
Example We cannot go outside to play. AAAWWUBIS way. . . Unless the rain stops, we cannot go outside to play.