By : Jayda Myers and Madi Soos Mars By : Jayda Myers and Madi Soos
Size of Mars Mars is about half the size of earth. it would take about 2 months to get there and 2 months to get back.
Location in Solar System Mars is located next to earth and is one of the closest planets to earth. It takes 5’000’000’000 lbs of fuel to get to mars
Surface Composition Our planet is really rocky therefore we need strong pumped up tires to land on mars.
Atmosphere Mars has no atmosphere so you cant breathe there so you would need air tanks if your spacecraft went to mars and was manned
Temperature For the hot end its -81 degrees For the cold end its -184 degrees
question Is the surface on mars rocky, smooth, or a little bit of both?????
Space craft mission Destination: Mars The features that make a mission to Mars so unique are: The location in the solar system The temperature is so cold The size of mars How long it takes to get to mars