Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Colossians 1:15-17
Colossians 1:15-17 15 He is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the first-born heir of all creation. 16 For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through him and for his purpose! 17 He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Colossians 1:15-17 Image Inheritance Instantiation
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Colossians 1:15 He is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the first-born heir of all creation.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image John 1:18 The Passion Translation (TPT) No one has ever gazed upon the fullness of God’s splendor except the uniquely beloved Son, who is cherished by the Father and held close to his heart. Now he has unfolded to us the full explanation of who God truly is!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Exodus 33:20 English Standard Version (ESV) But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Philippians 2:6-8 The Passion Translation (TPT) He existed in the form of God, yet he gave no thought to seizing equality with God as his supreme prize. Instead he emptied himself of his outward glory by reducing himself to the form of a lowly servant. He became human! He humbled himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in his death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image John 1:14 The Passion Translation (TPT) And so the Living Expression became a man and lived among us! And we gazed upon the splendor of his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father overflowing with tender mercy and truth!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Romans 8:3 The Passion Translation (TPT) For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature. Yet God sent us his Son in human form to identify with human weakness. Clothed with humanity, God’s Son gave his body to be the sin-offering so that God could once and for all condemn the guilt and power of sin.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image 2 Corinthians 8:9 The Passion Translation (TPT) For you have experienced the extravagant grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was infinitely rich, he impoverished himself for our sake, so that by his poverty, we could become rich beyond measure.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Galatians 4:4 The Passion Translation (TPT) But when that era came to an end and the time of fulfillment had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the written law.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image 2 Corinthians 4:4 The Passion Translation (TPT) For their minds have been blinded by the god of this age, leaving them in unbelief. Their blindness keeps them from seeing the dayspring light of the wonderful news of the glory of Jesus Christ, who is the divine image of God.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image 1 Timothy 1:17 The Passion Translation (TPT) My praises rise to the King of all the universe who is indestructible, invisible, and full of glory, the only God who is worthy of the highest honors throughout all of time and throughout the eternity of eternities! Amen!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Psalm 89:27 The Passion Translation (TPT) I am setting him apart, favoring him as my firstborn son. I will make him the most high king in all the earth!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Image Romans 8:29 The Passion Translation (TPT) For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like him.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Colossians 1:15-17 Inheritance
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance Colossians 1:16 For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through him and for his purpose!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance Ephesians 1:10 The Passion Translation (TPT) And because of God’s unfailing purpose, this detailed plan will reign supreme through every period of time until the fulfillment of all the ages finally reaches its climax—when God makes all things new in all of heaven and earth through Jesus Christ.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance Ezekiel 10:1 English Standard Version (ESV) Then I looked, and behold, on the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim there appeared above them something like a sapphire, in appearance like a throne.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance Ephesians 1:21 The Passion Translation (TPT) And now he is exalted as first above every ruler, authority, government, and realm of power in existence! He is gloriously enthroned over every name that is ever praised, not only in this age, but in the age that is coming!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance Romans 11:36 The Passion Translation (TPT) And because God is the source and sustainer of everything, everything finds fulfillment in him. May all praise and honor be given to him forever! Amen!
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance 1 Corinthians 8:6 The Passion Translation (TPT) Yet for us there is only one God—the Father. He is the source of all things, and our lives are lived for him. And there is one Lord, Jesus, the Anointed One, through whom we and all things exist.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Inheritance John 10:17-18 The Passion Translation (TPT) “The Father has an intense love for me because I freely give my own life—to raise it up again. I surrender my own life, and no one has the power to take my life from me. I have the authority to lay it down and the power to take it back again. This is the destiny my Father has set before me.”
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation Colossians 1:17 He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation John 8:58 The Passion Translation (TPT) Jesus said to them, “I give you this eternal truth: I have existed long before Abraham was born, for I AM!”
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation John 1:1 The Passion Translation (TPT) In the very beginning the Living Expression was already there. And the Living Expression was with God, yet fully God.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation Hebrews 1:3 The Passion Translation (TPT) The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature—his mirror image! He holds the universe together and expands it by the mighty power of his spoken word. He accomplished for us the complete cleansing of sins, and then took his seat on the highest throne at the right hand of the majestic One.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation Genesis 1:27 New International Version (NIV) So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Instantiation
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Colossians 1:15-17 Image Inheritance Instantiation
Colossians 1:15-17 15 He is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the first-born heir of all creation. 16 For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through him and for his purpose! 17 He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.
Supreme Savior Shown in and Through Creation! Colossians 1:15-17 Image Inheritance Instantiation