Français 2, 3 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 47. Dessinez le vocabulaire. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Rire – to laugh. Rira bien qui rira le dernier. He who laughs last, laughs the longest. Goals – Learn to give and use directions accurately. Use chapter 12 from French 1 book to get more practice with directions Les Devoirs – A la page 46, faites le 25. Marbles because you can lose them.
Français 2, 4 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 48. Faites le 27. What do you get when you cross a dog and a flower?? Le prix – price. Votre prix sera le mien. Name your price. Goals – Practice giving directions accurately. Use chapter 12 from French 1 book. Invite and agree to do things. Les Devoirs – A la page 49 Faites le 30. A collie-flower.
Français 2, 5 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 54. Faites le 8. Who are the most truthful men in Spain? L’aide – help. À l’aide! Help! Goals – Work on describing where people and things are in relation to each other. Les Devoirs – A la page 54, faitesle 9.
Français 2, 6 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 369 (fr.1). Faites le 24. Ecrivez-le. What occurs once in a minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years? Le mot – word. Ell veut toujours avoir le dernier mot. She always wants to have the last word. Goals – Practice with vocabulary of where things are to get ready for telling how to get there. Les Devoirs – A la page 379, faites le 10.
Français 2, 7 decembre 2018 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 55 (fr.2). Faites le 10. What five letter word has 6 left when you take two letters away? Se moquer – to make fun of. Il se moque de tout. He makes fun of everything. Goals – Watch Cyrano de Bergerac. Anbswer questions. Les Devoirs – Pas!