Reading: Monday 3-11 Read an independent book silently. If you need to re-read parts of The Giver for the test on Wednesday, you may read that as well. You will need your Giver book for the next three days. Don’t turn it back into the library yet.
Reading: Monday 3-11 With your table group, draw a plot diagram of The Giver. This will be VERY helpful for your test on Wednesday, so spend time making it as detailed as possible. On the back, list as many characters from The Giver as you can. Describe each character. When you finish, write at least 10 multiple choice questions over The Giver as a table group. Put the answers on a separate piece of paper. HOMEWORK: Essay DUE TOMORROW.
Reading: Tuesday 3-12 Turn in your essay that is due today at THE HUB. 6th hour: If you did not receive an essay prompt yesterday, you may write the essay during reading time and turn it in by the end of the day. READ SILENTLY.
Reading: Tuesday 3-12 I will assign you a chapter to re-read. While you read, come up with 2 questions that come from the most important parts of the chapter. Your question must be multiple choice. Write the question on a separate piece of paper. We will use these to quiz each other in a game once everyone is finished. HOMEWORK: Be ready for your test tomorrow!
Reading: Wednesday 3-13 Put everything away except for a pen/pencil Red Folders are for covering your work. Have a book to read after the test (not The Giver) When you finish with the test, turn it in to THE HUB Read silently.
Reading: Thursday 3-14 Have a piece of paper out with your name on it. Have a book out and read. Everything else needs to be cleared off of your desk.
Lois Lowry Book Look For each table, write down information about one of the books. You should have all 6 squares filled out when you are done. Title: After Reading the first 3 pages I think the book will be… (write at least 3 sentences) I would read this book: Yes/ No and Why?