Warm-Up 9/10/14 Get the paper titled “Duties-Crystal Lab” and fill it out. Each person needs to turn one in. Post-Lab Questions in basket. 3) Pour the water out from your beaker. Leave the string contraption inside of it.
Revise crystal lab procedure. Objective 9/10/14 Revise crystal lab procedure. Agenda 9/10/14 Crystals Lab – Post-Lab Debrief Revise Lab Procedure
Formal Lab Report Full Report due 9/22/14 until further notice Title, Introduction, and Hypothesis sections due Friday – typed, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1.5 spacing Need computer access? Let Ms. Au-Yeung know.
Post-Lab Questions On separate sheet: What was the mass of salt that you used? How much salt would you expect to form your crystal?
2) In paragraph form, write what your group did during this lab. Post-Lab Questions On separate sheet: 2) In paragraph form, write what your group did during this lab.
3) What challenges did your group face? Post-Lab Questions On separate sheet: 3) What challenges did your group face? 4) What could your group do to make the lab go smoother next time?
Title Introduction Times New Roman, 12 font, 1.5 spaced A brief, concise, yet descriptive title Introduction What question(s) are you trying to answer? What was the purpose of the lab? Include any preliminary observations or background information about the subject
Hypothesis *Write a possible solution for the problem. *Make sure this possible solution is a complete sentence. *Make sure the statement is testable, an “if-then-because” statement is recommended to illustrate what criteria will support your hypothesis (and what data would not support the hypothesis).
Options: 1) Crystal garden or string 2) Epsom salt or sugar Procedure Revision Options: 1) Crystal garden or string 2) Epsom salt or sugar Write a step-by-step procedure: -How to make supersaturated solution -How to make crystal garden or crystals on string.
Due by End of Class One sheet per group: Group members names Type of crystal: Epsom salt or sugar? Crystal garden or string? Revised procedure for lab.
2) Typed Title/Intro/Hypothesis due Friday Homework 9/10/14 Bring in substrate 2) Typed Title/Intro/Hypothesis due Friday Tutoring Wednesday and Thursday 4th – Rm. 402 – Mr. Sapin 5th – Rm. 404 – Ms. Au-Yeung