Creativity and Certain Personality traits: Understanding the Mediating Effects of Intrinsic motivation. Prabhu, V., Sutton, C., & Sauser, W.(2008)Creativity and certain personality traits: understanding the mediating effects of intrinsic motivation. Creative research journal, 20(1), 53-66.. By Chetanjit Kaur
Creativity world
Characteristics of Creativity Self-efficacy Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation Perseverance Openness to experience Bandura belives that self-efficacy is essential for productive creativity. It was found by adelson that perserverance is key characterstic of creative indiviual by interviewing 91 renowned creative indiviuals. Characteristics of Creativity
Openness to experience Intrinsic motivation Personality Traits Openness to experience Self efficacy Perseverance Creativity Extrinsic motivation Conceptual model
To test the moderating role of extrinsic motivation. Purpose of the study: To examine the relationship between creativity and the personality traits of self-efficacy and perseverance. To test the meditational role of intrinsic motivation and 3 personality traits and creativity. To test the moderating role of extrinsic motivation. Personality traits are frequently and predictability related to creative achievement. Amabile pointed out that indiviual may have certain traits or capabilties that are favourable for creativity but whther these traits helps in achieving creativity depends upon intr. Motivation.
Self-efficacy will relate significantly and positively to creativity. The study was based on six hypothesis: Self-efficacy will relate significantly and positively to creativity. Perseverance will be positively and significantly related to creativity. Intrinsic motivation will mediate the relationship between openness to experience and creativity. It is important for creative person tio have belief in one capabilities not only for temporary phase but for stable period.
IM will be positively related to creativity. IM mediates the relationship b/w perseverance and creativity. EM will moderates the relationship b/w openness to experience /self-efficacy/ perseverance and creativity.
Creativity was measured using WKOPAY. Method and measures: Data was collected from 124 undergraduate students enrolled in introductory management courses. Creativity was measured using WKOPAY. Openness to experience was measured using NEO-FFI. WKOPAY: what kind of person are you, NEO-FFI: (five factor inventory)
Measures: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are measured by using the work preference inventory.
Results Creativity was found : Positively related to self-efficacy, openness to experience and intrinsic motivation. No significant relationship b/w creativity and perseverance was found.
Results contd... Intrinsic motivation was found to be correlated with all 3 personality traits. EM was found to be negatively associated with creativity
Fig: Creativity predicted by the two-way interaction between self-efficacy and extrinsic motivation.
Result contd.. IM mediated relationship between: Openness to experience and creativity. Self-efficacy and creativity.
Results contd.. EM was found to completely moderate the relationship between creativity and perseverance. It is interesting to note that at low and mean level of EM perserverance was not related to creativity but at high level of EM perseverance had negative association with creativity.
All measures were self-reported. Limitations: All measures were self-reported. Another limitation was related to common method variance as data was collected from single source. Self-reported questionnaire and performance based evaluation were use 2 main assessment method used in this study.self reported questiinaore limitation like poor recall, intentional and unintentional distortation by participant and potential validity.
References Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity. New York:Springer Verlag. Amabile, T. M. (1997). Motivating creativity in organizations: On doing what you love and loving what you do. California Management Review, 40, 39.