Quotations Introduce Point Quote Reason for quote
Example Introduce Point: The difference between web surfing and channel surfing is important when trying to figure out which medium has more surfing. Quote: According to Steven Johnson, “Web surfing and channel surfing are genuinely difference pursuits; to imagine them as equivalents is to ignore the defining characteristics of each medium” (107). Reason for quote: Understanding the differences between web and channel surfing and their mediums, allows researchers other characteristics to keep in mind when comparing the two mediums.
Avoiding Hanging Quotes Connect your quote to a sentence. Use author’s name. I.E. ‘According to Smith, “the best way to move forward. . . ”’ (citation) Use your own words with the sentence. I. E ‘Looking back at the course society has taken, I find that “the best way to move forward. . . ” (citation). Do NOT start or end a paragraph with a quote. Modify Quotes to fit within your sentence. Use [brackets] to add information. Use . . . ellipses to remove information.
In-text Citations Put direct quotes in quotation marks. Period goes after the parenthetical citation. According to Steven Johnson, “A channel surfer hops back and forth between different channels because she’s bored. A Web surfer clicks on a link because she’s interested” (109). If you mention the author’s name in the quote introduction, only put the page number in the parenthetical citation. If you do not mention the author’s name, the parenthetical citation looks like this: (Johnson 109). If you do not have an author, use the title (or whatever is first on your works cited page. If you are citing a website, use the ¶ symbol and what paragraph from the website the quote came from.
In-text citation continued If there is a citation within the sentence/phrase you are citing, use single quotes around the part that was citied in your source. I used to think that “going to the store was cool, but Elizabeth said ‘it is not cool’” (Smith 4). If your quote is more than 4 lines, make it a block quote. Indent the entire quote 10 spaces (2 tabs) . No quotation marks around a block quote. Period goes before parenthetical citation. Smith notes that Although the public grew to accept film as a teaching tool, it was not always aware of all it was being taught. That was because a second type of film was also being produced during these years. (Smith 21)
Quotations and block quotes Have only 1 block quote in your paper. Use ellipsis to cut out information so that you can use the quote, but it is condensed. Make sure that you are in your paper. Do not rely solely on quotations. Try to only have about 10% of your paper in quotes. I want to know what you have to say about your topic. No limit to how many paraphrases or summaries you can have in your paper. Use paraphrases or summaries instead of quotations if you have too many quotes.
Paraphrasing and Summarizing A paraphrase is a representation (in your words) of the main idea of the source around the same length as the original. A summary is a representation (in your words) of the idea in an entire source (or paragraph) in a one or two sentences. Both a summary and a paraphrase need in-text citations. Make sure you do not use the words or structure of the author – that is plagiarism.
Plagiarism Using the words or ideas of others without giving them credit. When paraphrasing or summarizing, read the passage, and then write your paraphrase or summary without looking at the original. Then check your work with the original to make sure they are different. Changing just one or two words in plagiarism. Keeping the same sentence and just finding synonyms for some words is also plagiarism. When in doubt, cite.
More on Citation Pages 352-420 in DK handbook. Your works cited page should have Works Cited centered on the top of the page. You will still have your name and page number in the header. Alphabetize your sources. REMEMBER that this is an ARGUMENT paper, NOT a research paper. You need to make a claim and support your claim.
Audience/Paper Letter Things you need to tell me in your introduction letter to the paper This letter is addressed to me, not your audience. Tell me: Who your audience is? – REMEMBER THIS SHOULD BE SPECIFIC. Are you taking a formal or informal tone with your audience, and why? What are you arguing and why did you pick this topic? Anything else that you want me to know about this paper. YOU NEED TO HAVE THE AUDIENCE LETTER ATTACHED TO THE TOP OR I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR PAPER.
Need for Project 3 Audience Letter – 1 page MLA Format 4 Sources (only 1 online) 4-6 pages (4 Full pages… not 3 ½ - does not include works cited) Underline thesis – which should let me know what your argument is and what your stance is and why.