Leveraging Multilingual Helpdesk Services with Quality MT ANTÓNIO BRANCO UNIVERSITY OF LISBON
HELP DESK SERVICE Suppose you have this business opportunity: Help desk service for support on consumer ICT devices and services Ca. 2 Million users in a 10 Million country Chat is one of the communication channels Supported by monolingual intelligent information retrieval You want to expand to new multilingual markets This is the case of Higher Functions, partner in QTLeap project Can language technology help to make it viable?
MACHINE TRANSLATION Suppose you have this research project: Consortium with 8 partners: Univ Lisbon, DFKI, CUNI Prague, Bulgarian Academy, Humboldt Berlin, Univ Basque Country, Univ Groningen, HF Covering 8 languages: Basque, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish Aim at advancing quality machine translation: Deep language engineering approaches, and linked open data This is the QTLeap project Can a real usage scenario help to demonstrate the leveraging effect of language technology for the digital single market?
NEW BUSINNESS OPPORTUNITIES Is it worth embedding MT to leverage multilingual helpdesk services? Extrinsic evaluation of MT pilot systems: What is the proportion of multilingual help requests that: Are automatically answered? (given the previous monolingual knowledge base) That is: do not eventually lead to a rescue phone call to the front desk operator? QTLeap Deliverable 3.6: aver. 40-60%