Rodent’s in the loose By Anna Francheska
Spot the animals that are the right rodents by clicking on their names Spot the animals that are the right rodents by clicking on their names. If you are wrong click on the arrow to try again. See the Image before clicking. Click on the names of the animals. These animals are hiding in 3 boxes. Example: You only have 5 seconds to click the animal’s name. wrong cheetah click back
Who am I? Guinea pig rat hamster
Correct! Guinea pig hamster rat
Who am I? squirrel rabbit otter
Who am I? beaver otter squirrel
Who am I? squirrel rat beaver
Who am I? mouse raccoon squirrel
Who am I? rat otter ferret
Who am I? hamster rabbit Guinea pig
The End! Well done ! You were able to experience the rodents! Never forget these!
End of slide show, click to exit
Wrong! Back!
Wrong! Back!
Wrong! Back!
Wrong! Back!
Wrong! Back!
Wrong! Back!
Wrong! back!