Red Cloud’s War (1866-68) Fetterman Fight (1866) Trails across Powder River Basin … Gold discovered Montana …
Important Local Events: 1874 – Custer Black Hills Expedition 1874-79 – Black Hills Gold Rush 1876 – Battle of the Little Bighorn 1877 – Black Hills Cession 1879 – American Indian Boarding School Movement (first Lakota children taken) 1883 – Court of Indian Offenses 1887 – Dawes Act 1889 – Sioux Act of 1889 1890 – Massacre at Wounded Knee
Great Sioux Reservation of 1868 By Jan. 31, 1876: All Lakotas ordered to report to Agency head-quarters …
Battle of the Little Bighorn, July 25-26, 1876 History Channel (1) What was the situation? (2) What was the Seventh Cavalry’s objective or mission? (3) What relevant tactics were utilized? (4) What happened during the battle / 7th Cavalry mistakes?
Battle of the Little Bighorn, July 25-26, 1876
- Two major consequences of the Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) … (1) In response, in 1876 U.S. Government stops annuity and food payments at Pine Ridge and Rosebud Agencies, the “surrender or starve” policy. (2) U.S. Government stops negotiating for the Black Hills and will pass the “Black Hills Cession.”
Black Hills Cession of 1877 The legislative act to cede the Black Hills to the United States government
- Why was the Black Hills Cession of 1877 later considered illegal by the U.S. Supreme Court (1980)? The Black Hills Cession violated the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868: (1) The number of Lakota males that agreed to give up the Black Hills never reached the ¾ requirement. (2) The U.S. Government cut-off food and annuity payments to Lakota people or the “surrender or starve” policy.
- Third major consequences of the Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) … (3) As further punishment, in 1879, Lakota children are some of the first children taken to Carlisle Indian School.
Assimilation * Assimilation – to be “absorbed into American society”; more adequately means being forced to adopt the dominant, American culture. (1860 – 1870’s) American Indian Boarding Schools (1883) Court of Indian Offenses (1887) Dawes Act
Assimilation Boarding Schools – Based upon the theory of “Kill the Indian, Save the Man” Cultural genocide Native languages & cultural practices forbidden