Influenza A H1N1 The next pandemic ?
Influenza Disease It passes easily from person to person through droplets expelled from the nose and mouth of an infected person. These droplets can pass directly into the nose, mouth or eyes of a person who is nearby (less than 1 meter, or 3 feet, away) or indirectly when a person touches surfaces that droplets have fallen onto and then touches his or her nose, mouth or eyes before washing hands. It passes easily from person to person through droplets expelled from the nose and mouth of an infected person. These droplets can pass directly into the nose, mouth or eyes of a person who is nearby (less than 1 meter, or 3 feet, away) or indirectly when a person touches surfaces that droplets have fallen onto and then touches his or her nose, mouth or eyes before washing hands.
How to make the difference with cold
Be aware of flu symptoms Common symptoms Fever Headache Tireness Dry cough Sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Muscles aches Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (children) While the first symptoms of pandemic influenza might be similar to seasonal flu symptoms, how the symptoms develop will depend on the nature of the specific virus. It is likely that most people will recover without needing medical attention; fever stay 2 or 3 days, other symptoms one week. Tireness can stay 1 or 2 weeks more;
Be aware of flu symptoms Severe symptoms Shortness of breath High and persistent fever Bleeding including bloody sputum Confusion the following symptoms may help you decide if you need to seek medical help respiratory complications of inluenza infection
Some people get much sicker Influenza can lead to pneumonia and can be dangerous for people with heart or lung diseases.
What is the treatment of influenza ? Medical services will be over-whelmed and some might even be closed. So it is important for you and your family to prepare for at-home care Paracétamol and some anti-inflammatories are the basics of the treatment. Medicines against cough or intestinal disorders are sometimes needed. Le traitement de la grippe vise à atténuer les symptômes, cependant que la maladie guérit d’elle-même. Medical services will be over-whelmed and some might even be closed. So it is important for you and your family to prepare for at-home care. Paracétamol and some anti-inflammatories are the basics of the treatment. Medicines against cough or intestinal disorders are sometimes needed. These drugs aims to minimize the symptoms.
Anti viral drugs like Tamiflu make your illness milder and you can feel better faster. You can only get these drugs from your doctor. More than 4500 antiviral treatment are stockpiled at the clinic at the moment. Tamiflu Anti viral drugs like Tamiflu make your illness milder and you can feel better faster. You can only get these drugs from your doctor. Antiviral drugs will be available only at the clinic for all UN staff and their dependants in case of pandemic.
What is a fever clinic ? When influenza are occurring in the community, fever clinic will be vital to the rapid identification of suspected and confirmed cases, thus allowing the spread of the disease to be delayed through case isolation, rapid treatment and the provisions of antiviral drugs to those at risk, education and information, and infection control practices. Cases will be screened for care in home, or for admission to hospital.
What is a fever clinic ? Fever clinics will be activated in phase 6 only. Location: Close proximity to the ECA clinic, The site will be accessible only from outside to protect the rest of the building of any contamination. Fever clinics will be activated in phase 6 only. The location is close to the ECA clinic, the site will be accessible only from outside to protect the rest of the building of any contamination.
Personal hygiene measures PREVENTION Personal hygiene measures
Protect yourself from viral infections Wash hands with soap and water or clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner When you wash your hands, wash for at least 30 seconds, making sure that all surfaces of hands and fingers are cleaned. Make an habit of washing your hands after coughing or sneezing, to stop the spread of flu germs. Wash your hands with soap and water , wash for at least 30 seconds, making sure that all surfaces of hands and fingers are cleaned. UNHCC
Wash your hands frequently Make an habit of washing your hands after coughing or sneezing, to stop the spread of flu germs. Wash your hands frequently
Good health hygiene for prevention When you are sick: Avoid close contact Stay home Cover your mouth and nose Clean your hands regularly Don’t share eating utensils An infected person is most likely to spread the virus when he or she has fever and a cough. Avoid handshaking, social kissing, and other social rituals that involve touching others. Don’t share eating utensils and drinking glasses.
Stay home if you are sick with fever Stay home if sick with a fever or cough. Stay home if you are sick with fever and avoid close contact with others
Reducing the contact people have with each other will reduce opportunities for transmission. Local governments may request that you remain in your community or home in the event of a pandemic. Reducing the contact people have with each other will reduce opportunities for transmission. Keep in mind that some of these measures could include: • Closing of schools and universities • Cancellation of mass gatherings and public transportation • Border controls Reducing the contact people have with each other will reduce opportunities for transmission. Local governments may request that you remain in your community or home in the event of a pandemic. Reducing the contact people have with each other will reduce opportunities for transmission. Keep in mind that some of these measures could include: • Closing of schools and universities • Cancellation of mass gatherings and public transportation • Border controls
BE IMMUNIZED THE BEST PREVENTION AGAINST SEASONAL FLU ONE SHOT EVERY YEAR FROM OCTOBER A routine vaccine is available. The best scientific evidence available today is incomplete but suggests that seasonal vaccines will confer little or no protection against Influenza A(H1N1). BUT IMPORTANT TO BE IMMUNIZED. seasonal influenza causes 3 million to 5 million cases of severe illness each year, and kills from 250,000 to 500,000 people.
Good health hygiene for travellers • Monitor your health 10 days after a travel in an affected country. • If you become ill with fever and develop a cough or difficulty breathing, or if you develop any illness during this 10-day period, consult a health-care provider. • Do not travel while sick, and limit contact with others as much as possible to help prevent the spread of any infectious illness. UN Offices should strictly follow WHO travel recommendations at the time of a pandemic. Currently, WHO has not recommended that travel to any of the countries affected by H1N1 viruses be avoided. However, staff should keep updated for any travel restrictions and advisories. In the meantime, persons visiting H1N1-affected areas can reduce their risk of infection by observing the following measures .
iSeek that will keep all UN staff informed worldwide about the spread of the disease. Stay inform