1990s: Bill Clinton and New Technology
Bill Clinton President- won election in 1992 and 1996; Democrat; governor of Arkansas Presidency characterized by: Balanced federal budget; spending cuts and tax increases Healthcare reform (blocked in Congress) Limits placed on amount of time welfare recipients could receive benefits, incentives for work Economic prosperity thanks in part to Internet economy
Scandal Clinton had accusations of improper actions while governor of Arkansas (never proven) During an investigation about something else, it was discovered that he did have a relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky
Clinton Scandal When asked about it, he lied about it under oath House of Representatives (Republican majority) voted to impeach Clinton in 1998 for perjury (lying under oath) The Senate trial acquitted (found not guilty) Clinton of the charges- so he kept his job
Accusations of improper actions Lied under oath House of Rep voted to impeach Senate found him not guilty
What did the Clinton scandal demonstrate about the personal lives of political leaders?
Clinton Legislation Clinton passed several important pieces of legislation (laws/act) Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) –employees get unpaid leave due to health condition, to care for a sick family, or a new child Federal Assault Weapons Ban (1994) –prohibition on the sale of certain semi-automatic firearms Ten-year ban; only applied to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban's enactment Expired in 2004; has not been reauthorized by Congress
Foreign Policy Clinton twice involved U.S. forces in effort to halt violence in former Yugoslavia- in the Balkan region of Europe After collapse of communism, Yugoslavia divided into several countries and several conflicts developed between ethnic groups- Bosnian Muslims, Catholics Croats, and Orthodox Serbs Over 200,000 people were killed during the wars
1995- U.S.-led NATO bombing forced peace negotiations resulted in cease-fire and a UN peacekeeping force Contrast with U.S. decision to not intervene in the genocide in Rwanda in 1994
2nd Balkan Crisis 2nd Balkan crisis developed in 1998 when Kosovo sought its own independence from Serbia Serbia resisted Kosovo’s separation, leading to violence 1999- NATO again bombed Serbia, followed by UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo Both times the US got involved to prevent violence and stop oppression (much like the Persian Gulf War under President George H.W. Bush)
Why did the US get involved in some foreign conflicts like in the Balkans?
Conflict between Political Parties Congress was controlled by Republicans who promised to reduce size of federal government, eliminate regulations on business, cut taxes, and balance the budget (limited government/ laissez-faire) Conflict between Congress and President was regular resulted in government shut down in late 1995
3rd Parties in Elections 3rd parties in presidential elections often raise issues ignored by the two major parties Ex: Ross Perot (Independent) – billionaire Texan; 1992- ran and won 19% of popular vote; 1996 – won 8% Conflicts between Congress and President were regular Led to government shut down in late 1995 Increase support for 3rd (Independent) parties to address areas of concern
Free Trade US increased support for Free trade - allows trade without interference from governments - No tariffs Benefits- more jobs, better economy, lower prices because more competition Disadvantages- production jobs move to other countries North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – signed in 1993, promised economic cooperation between Canada, US, and Mexico General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – 1949; sought to eliminate trade barriers and encourage free trade- late became the World Trade Organization (1995)
Technology in the 90s Small, affordable personal computers available in late 70s Computer technology increased business productivity and efficiency The Internet invented in 1992 By 2010 - estimated 1.8 billion users Greatly increased the economy- new types of businesses, jobs, more money to be made Cell phones- faster, more efficient communication and business
Higher standard of living New technologies in communication and computers Increased speed and ability to do business Higher standard of living Increased business productivity, new businesses
STAAR Practice
STAAR Practice
How did new technology affect the US economy in the 1990s? Big IDea How did new technology affect the US economy in the 1990s?