Color Lesson Schemes & Application
The Color Wheel Cool Warm Primary Colors Tint Secondary colors Red- Violet Red Red- Orange Hue Violet Shade Violet- Blue Orange Yellow- Orange Blue Blue- Green Yellow Yellow- Green Tertiary Colors Green
Neutral Colors Colors that aren’t on the color wheel Black: Shade a color with black White: Tint a color with white Gray: Change tone of color with gray, or color’s compliment
Color Schemes Refers to colors and their relationship to each other on the color wheel. There are several color schemes Each scheme has two, three, or four colors Here are some examples of color schemes
Using mostly a neutral color and choosing one color create accents Accented Neutral Using mostly a neutral color and choosing one color create accents
Complimentary Two colors directly across from each other on the color wheel
Complimentary Examples
Split Compliment Choose a complimentary color scheme. Use the color on one side, then use the two neighboring colors to that colors compliment
Three colors equal distance from each other on the color wheel. TRIAD Three colors equal distance from each other on the color wheel.
TRIAD Examples
Three or four colors right next to each other on the color wheel Analogous Three or four colors right next to each other on the color wheel
Analogous Examples
Using different tints and shades of one hue Monochromatic Using different tints and shades of one hue
Monochromatic Examples
Color Assignment: Student will find two magazine pictures Or Make a drawing that represents a color scheme. Student will describe the color scheme and put a baby size wheel on the corner of the portfolio page with a title that says color scheme.