(Continue Project – Gun Control) Thursday March 22, 2018 (Continue Project – Gun Control)
The Daily CSI 1/4 Thursday, 3/22/18 Were these two rounds fired from the same gun? Why or why not? Probably so! Very similar firing pin indentations
The Daily CSI 2/4 Thursday, 3/22/18 Again, probably so! Was the shoeprint in the left picture made by the shoe in the right picture? Why or why not? Again, probably so!
The Daily CSI 3/4 Thursday, 3/22/18 ?? Was the lock in the left picture cut by the same bolt cutter as the lock in the right picture? ??
Which of these bite marks is older? The one on the left is older. The Daily CSI Thursday, 3/22/18 4/4 Which of these bite marks is older? The one on the left is older.
Remediation for Quiz 13 runs through next Wednesday, March 28th. Announcements Remediation for Quiz 13 runs through next Wednesday, March 28th.
Summative or Formative # Assignment Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted Project – Gun Control S1 3/5 Friday, 3/23 Tomorrow QUIZ 13 S2 3/7 Next Wednesday, 3/27
Continue Project Gun Control Due Tomorrow!