FEMALE REPRODUCTION OVARIES UTERINE TUBE/FALLOPIAN TUBE/OVIDUCTS Produce eggs (ova) and sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone) UTERINE TUBE/FALLOPIAN TUBE/OVIDUCTS Contains ciliated columnar cells that secrete mucus to draw egg from ovary through tube Fimbriae: finger-like projections that aid in drawing egg out of ovary
UTERUS Hollow, muscular organ shaped somewhat like an inverted pear Receives developing embryo and sustains its development 3 layers Endometrium: innermost mucus layer (endometriosis) Myometrium: thick, middle, muscular layer Perimetrium: outer, serosa layer that covers 3 parts Body; cervix; vagina Papsmear: procedure that scrapes cells of cervix to test for cervical cancer
VAGINA Receives penis; conveys uterine secretions; open channel for birth Hymen: thin membrane of connective tissue that partially covers vaginal orifice VULVA Labia Majora Enclose and protect external organs Same as scrotum in male Rounded folds of adipose tissue Labia Minora Flattened folds b/w labia majora that surrounds clitoris Contains blood vessels
Clitoris Vestibule Contains erectile tissue Same as penis in male Rich supply of sensory nerve fibers (8,000) Vestibule Space between labia minora that contains vaginal and urethral openings Vestibular glands: (corresponding to the bulbourethral gland) secrete fluids that moisten and lubricate vestibule
FEMALE SEX HORMONES Are secreted by hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries FSH and LH: controlling female sex cell maturation and in producing sex hormones Estrogen Stimulate enlargement of accessory organs Breast development Increase adipose deposits on thighs and hips Progesterone Changes uterus during reproductive cycle Helps maintains pregnancy
OOGENESIS: process of egg cell formation Oocyte supply is determined before birth Meiosis in females results in 1 ova and 3 polar bodies Polar bodies die
MENSTRUAL CYCLE Cyclic changes that the endometrium goes through every month as it responds to the ovary hormone levels Menarche: a females first reproductive cycle Menopause: ceasing of cycle, reproductive organs shrink and reduction of hormones 28 day cycle – ovulation occurs about ½ way through (day 14) DAYS 1-5 (Menstrual phase) Endometrial lining sloughs off (50-150ml of blood loss) DAYS 6-14 (Proliferative phase) estrogen increases causing endometrium regeneration Ovulation occur at end of phase DAYS15-28 (Secretory phase) Progesterone increases making endometrium ready for embryo implantation If embryo does not implant, endometrium will spasm and die
BIRTH CONTROL: voluntary regulation of the number of offspring produced CONTRACEPTION Coitus Interruptus Rhythm Method: abstinence 2 days before and 1 day after ovulation Mechanical barriers: condoms; diaphragm Chemical barriers: creams, foams and jellies with spermicidal properties Oral contraceptives Nuvaring Orthro Evra patch Depo-Provera shot IUD Vasectomy or Tubal ligation
STD’s Most have common symptoms including: burning sensation during urination; lower abdomen pain; fever; discharge from penis or vagina; pain; itching, sores, rash AID’s - virus Chlamydia - bacteria Genital warts - virus Genital herpes - virus Gonorrhea - bacteria Syphilis - bacteria