Important Dates for September: Y.E.S. is on Point!!! YORKTOWN ELEMENTARY NEWSLETTER Important Dates for September: 9-3 Holiday 9-7 Grandparent’s Breakfast 9-12 Popcorn Fundraiser Begins 9-17 Student Holiday 9-17 Waterford Family Night 9-26 Popcorn Fundraiser Ends 9-27 Fall Pictures School day begins at 8:00 a.m. After 8 a.m., your child will be tardy. Tardy procedure----If your child is tardy, an adult must walk them in the building and sign them in to school. Absent---If your child is going to be absent, please call the school by 8 a.m. to let us know if they are sick, going to the dr., etc…You may call in before school and leave a message at 564-2252 Ext. 4. Thank you!! Dismissal Time--- 3:30 p.m. Monday- Thursday 2:30 p.m. for car riders on Friday 3:00 p.m. for bus riders on Friday After School Pick-up lane--- *Please do not get out of your car. If you need to get out of your car, you must park in a parking spot. *Please do not park in the Staff Parking lot. *Before School on Bad Weather Days---Please drop off your child/children in front of the breezeway between the Jr. High & Gym. *After School on Bad Weather Days---We will use the same pick-up lane, but we will release from the side door of the cafeteria. Please stay in your car and a staff member will walk your child/children to your car. Thank you for your support & patience!!! VISITORS TO CAMPUS After the first week of school, parents will not be allowed to walk their children down to class due to safety concerns. When visiting the campus, all visitors must check in and out with the front office. You will receive a visitor’s badge and be directed to where you need to go. Please have your driver’s license or state issued ID to check in. If you plan to have lunch with your child, you will need to check in at the office first. BUS RIDING The school bus is regarded as an extension of the classroom. The rules are in place for the safety of your students as well as others who ride the bus. Please remember that riding the school bus is a privilege. Your child is expected to be cooperative, maintain order and obey the rules. Students can be removed for misbehavior. Principal: Pamela Flores Counselor: Brandi Olsovsky Secretary: Rebecca Broll
Your child will be participating in New Safety Procedure Due to the safety of our students, we are asking everyone to stay behind the gates until a teacher calls your student. All students will come out and sit with their teacher before being released. Nurse’s Corner *Please do not send your child to school if they have been vomiting, had diarrhea or fever the night before or the morning of school. *Vaccines are a State Law. Please make sure they are up to date. *Do no send medication to school with your child. It IS NOT safe. Parents must bring it to the nurse. *I do not have medication at school to give your child. Parents must bring it for their child. *I will not send medication home with a child, parents must pick it up. Please contact me with questions or problems: 361-564-2409 ext 402 or Thank you, Mary Romans, District Nurse Counselor Corner The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) will be administered this Spring 2019. For elementary, the STAAR measures the statewide curriculum in Reading at Grades 3-5; Writing at Grade 4; Mathematics at Grades 3-5; and Science at Grade 5. Your child will be participating in the following STAAR testing: April 9th 4th grade WRITING 5th grade MATH April 10th 5th grade READING May 13th 3rd & 4th grade MATH 5th grade MATH (retest) May 14th 3rd & 4th grade READING 5th grade READING (retest) May 15th 5th grade SCIENCE **Due to the importance of the STAAR test, please make sure there are no scheduled appointments or no early pick-ups on these days. Students do have the tendency to rush when they know they will be picked up early. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Brandi Olsovsky, Counselor College Day! To help encourage our students to talk about college and all of the possibilities, we will have college day on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Wear your favorite college shirt!