5/26/2019 Presentation for staff only Lore Taillieu - Induction part 2 -June 2014
The frontline goup consists of HR Advisers and support Team 5/26/2019 Welcome on behalf of the HR FL Group Leader as well as the entire team and introducing yourself as HRA who is part of this group. The frontline goup consists of HR Advisers and support Team Lore Taillieu - Induction part 2 -June 2014
Topics for today HR structure What kind of support do we offer? 5/26/2019 Topics for today HR structure What kind of support do we offer? Possible evolution of your contractual situation Who is your HRA? Objective: explain the role of HRA and the type of services we provide so that you know what we can do for you. Present structure HR department make brief introduction to who’s who in The HR FL group What can you expect from us What’s next for your: your probation period & contractual situation Lore Taillieu - Induction part 2 -June 2014
HR Structure Centres of Frontline expertise Head Office 5/26/2019 Learning & Development Talent acquisition Compensation Benefits Research & Computing Sector Finance & HR Sector International Relations Accelerators & Technology MS relations Legal Diversity Administrative support A quick reminder of how the HR Department is structured, based on a service and delivery partnership approach. (basée sur une approche de service et partenariat) we have 3 Centres of Expertise specialized in Talent Acquisition, Compensation & Benefits (rémuneration & avantages sociaux), Learning & Development The office of the HR Department Head hosts different functions such as the Diversity Office, Member-States relations, Legal Advice, and administrative support. (le bureau central du département RH englobe des fonctions telles que..) The Frontline Group looks after the staff members of all departments in the respective sectors. Each HRA is assigned to one or more departments depending on their size. (assigné) HRA is your dedicated contact person for all HR related matters Lore Taillieu - Induction part 2 -June 2014
What kind of support do we offer? 5/26/2019 What kind of support do we offer? The Human Resources Adviser (HRA) Your dedicated contact person for all HR related matters Running the main HR processes Integration/ probation period MERIT (Promotions, Performance) Indefinite contracts Career Management Internal Mobility Other HR Activities Contributing to the design and implementation of HR strategy, policies and processes Managing operational HR activities throughout the career cycle of personnel Engaging in change management initiatives, in line with HR best practices Advising members of the personnel (including managers) and/or preparing HR analyses to support decision-making Contributing to / managing HR-related projects HRA dedicated contact.. Permanence What can you expect from us. As guardians of the main HR processes, we support you, as applicable, with the probation period, the promotions… We use professional methods and tools to ensure EQUITY and CONFIDENTIALITY Lore Taillieu - Induction part 2 -June 2014
The life of a Staff member 5/26/2019 The life of a Staff member Probation induction mid probation end probation MERIT performance promotions Mobility Contract evolution extension indefinite Contract departure Quelles sont les prochaines étapes pour vous? Vous êtes en période probatoire, 3 réunions prévues avec votre HRA: ... D’abord entretien avec votre superviseur, rédaction du rapport, entrevue avec votre HRA.... Définition des objectifs de travail pour les 12 premiers mois. Discussion sur les besoins de développement. Dialogue continue avec le superviseur. Transparence du processus. If all goes well during your probation period which is usually the case, your appointment will be confirmed and you will receive an official notification. In principle, no legitimate expectation to be extended beyond the initial duration of your current limited duration contract, i.e. it may simply expiry at the current end date it has. However, the Organization’s contract policy does allow extensions up until 8 years if there is a need to do so + other criteria are met. While on LD contract, you may have the opportunity to apply for an IC. Your HRA will tell you more about this during your probation period.
Donia GRANDCLAUDE HR assistant Christille DE POIX HRA for SMB, HSE 63335 - 167510 Aurélie CHOY HRA for HR, DG, ATS, RCS 79344 Marie-Laure RIVIER Group Leader 79866 - 168946 Nina KOIVUNEN HRA for EP 63856 Sebastian BOTT HRA for BE 77954 Valeria PEREZ REALE HRA for TE 62424 - 169683 Emeline DOLMAZON HR assistant Donia GRANDCLAUDE HR assistant Florence LICCI- OUNNOUGH Deputy Group Leader HRA for IPT, IR 79189 - 161306 Marie-Luce FALIPOU HRA for IT 74701 - 161210 5/26/2019 Contact us ADVISERS Stefano FATTORI HRA for FAP, PF, TH 665471 Anne-Laure TANTOT HRA for EN 64621 SUPPORT Let’s put a face on the names – already presented at the monthly induction Mentionner permanences / regular presence in the client dpt Ayse KARATEPE HR assistant for TE Jenni SUUTALA HR assistant for BE, EN Lore Taillieu - Induction part 2 -June 2014