Friday, February 6th American Literature Standard 2 & 3 Prufrock Analysis (you can work in pairs or alone) I will give you 30 minutes to complete this. When finished, turn in stapled to your poem annotation. If you don’t finish in the time given, it is homework. Vocabulary – Write an original sentence for each of the words in unit 2. Harlem Renaissance Notes Watch Their Eyes Were Watching God
Latin roots FIN = end; SED, SID, SESS = sit, be still; FER = bear, carry, yield, bring. 1. Insidious - Treacherous or deceitful; intending to entrap or beguile with grave effect 2. Affinity - A natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing or idea; a close resemblance or connection 3. Vociferous - Characterized by a vehemently loud or noisy outcry 4. Dissident - A person who differs or disagrees in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority 5. Sedentary - Characterized by a sitting posture, inactivity and lack of exercise 6. Finesse - Extreme delicacy and adroitness in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation; subtlety in performance or skill 7. Assiduous - Working diligently, persistently at a task; unremitting or persevering; industrious 8. Insufferable - Incapable of being endured; intolerable 9. Deferential - Showing respectful or courteous regard; yielding to the will or opinion of another 10. Conferred - granted from or as if from a position of superiority; comparing ideas or opinions; consulted 11. Infinitesimal - Exceedingly tiny; minute; immeasurably small; less than an assignable quantity 12. Definitive - Providing a final solution: conclusive; authoritative and apparently completely informative; limiting precisely; satisfying all criteria