DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy scarlet : ________ - cinnamon : spice grape : raisin – plum : ________ 1. lana hardware store 5200 west street lowell vt 05847 2. glad that i live is there favorite song
DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy harvest : crops - ________ : ore : - : : - : 1. what a large group exclaimed the announcer of our square dance Group 2. the tulips in our back yard have growed replied kathy
DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy bow : violin – pick : ________ 2. mask : _______ = helmet : head 1. have you saw the telescope that i buyed for betsy and he 2. i wont be chosed to be blackbeard in the play
DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy quart : qt. - _______ : pt. 2. 1. margery has sat the cookies their for you and she 2. im going to invite jane to my party stated sally : - :
DOL level 4 week 15 Analogy heal : doctor - _______: thief float : swim – stand : _______ 1. she never had nothing sent from carols fashion shop 2. we doesnt have no tempera paint at hillcrest elementary school