Aim: How Did the Cold War Almost Turn Hot in Cuba? Do Now: What do you know about Cuba? What would you like to know?
I Fidel Castro 1959, Fidel Castro came to power in an armed revolt that overthrew Cuban dictator and American ally Fulgencio Batista. The U.S. distrusted Castro because: 1. He was an a Communist and ally of the USSR (led by Khrushchev) 2. He took back control of Cuban oil. Nikita Khrushchev Fulgencio Batista “They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?” - Fidel Castro Fidel Castro
II Bay of Pigs A) 1960 the CIA developed a plan under Eisenhower to train Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro. The CIA set up training camps in Guatemala. Feb 1961, JFK authorized the plan. B) April 17, the invasion force landed at the Bay of Pigs under heavy fire and bad weather. 6 American fighter planes arrived an hour late and were shot down. The invasion was crushed later that day. Almost 1,200 surrendered, and 100+ were killed. C) Castro settled on $53 million worth of baby food and medicine in exchange for the POWs.
Members of Fidel’s Militia
III The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 October 1962 we came extremely close to nuclear war over 13 days. A) 1962 an American U-2 spy plane photographed nuclear missile sites being built by the USSR on Cuba. At the same time, the US had nuclear missiles in Turkey aimed at the USSR. B) JFK placed a naval blockade around Cuba. He demanded the removal and destruction of the missile sites. C) Khrushchev agreed to dismantle the weapon sites in exchange for a pledge from the US not to invade Cuba. In a secret deal, the US also agreed to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey.
In 1962, American intelligence agencies photographed Soviet nuclear missile installations in Cuba.
The Threat of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Summary Questions Why did the US support Batista and not Castro? What were the causes and impact of the Bay of Pigs invasion? What were the causes and impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Do you agree with the US’s actions against Castro? Explain.
Key Vocabulary Fulgencio Batista Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis JFK Fidel Castro Nikita Khrushchev