Unit 5: Dem & Citizenship


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5: Dem & Citizenship Duties & Responsibilities

Citizenship People are given many rights and freedoms as U.S. citizens U.S. citizens are expected to fulfill certain duties and responsibilities in return

Duties Key to making the government run/work Things citizens MUST do Know & obey the laws Attend school Required to go until you are at least 16 Educated citizens are essential to democracy Pay taxes Tax money is used to provide services to the ppl

Duties Military service All eligible men must register for military service at 18 years old In times of war a draft may be issued Requires qualified men to serve in the military Not been used since Vietnam Serve from home if not in the military Ex: Food & certain resources rationed, limited by the government, during WWII in order to provide for the troops

Duties Appear in court Citizens have to serve jury duty if called Must appear as witnesses in court if called

Responsibilities Things not required by law, but things that people SHOULD do as citizens Vote Citizens elect officials & express approval or disapproval by voting “If you don’t vote, don’t complain about the results.” Be informed

Responsibilities Participate in government Help your community Join political parties, lead/educate others, run for and serve in office Help your community Volunteer to help and make a difference Respect/protects others’ rights As students, how can you participate in government and/or help your community?