Block 40: M 1/13 and T 1/14 Nomenclature Warm-up #6 Identify these compounds as ionic or covalent, then name them. Remember to use Roman numerals when necessary! ____ (I or C) 1. V3As2 ____ (I or C) 2. Hg3P ____ (I or C) 3. CuF ____ (I or C) 4. TiS2 ____ (I or C) 5. Os3N8 Quiz next class over naming compounds: covalent, ionic (with roman numerals and polyatomic ions)
Science Fair HELP!! If you brought in food, drink or prize donation, turn it in to me and get your homework pass!
Sapling #15 Remember Sapling assignments are due on Tuesdays at 11:55 pm. Your log on is S and your student ID Your password is just your student ID unless you changed it #16 will be available Tuesday after school!
Transition Metals and Roman Numerals Pg 4—check your answers Homework: page 5 #1-10 on top
Polyatomic Ions Quiz-Quiz Trade Take a card, find a partner Partner A reads partner B’s question out loud, then answers. Partner B confirms or corrects Partner A’s answer. Do the same thing in reverse. Trade cards Find a new partner and quiz-quiz-trade
Naming Compounds with Polyatomic Ions (Page 5) Naming compounds with polyatomic ions is EASY! Metal + polyatomic ion Polyatomic ion + nonmetal-ide Polyatomic ion + polyatomic ion These are IONIC, so NO prefixes!
Naming Compounds with Polyatomic Ions (Page 5) Examples for your notes: ZnSO4 NH4Cl NH4OH Na3PO4 Al2(SO4)3 Cu(NO3)2 Homework: page 5 #1-10 on bottom
Making ionic compounds: names and formulas Find the ions listed for each number. Make the positives and negatives balance! For 1-10, write the name and balanced formula For 1-7, also sketch the compound
Mad Minute and Homework 1 minute to classify the elements as: Group 1 or 2 metal (m) Transition metal (tm) Non-metal (nm) Polyatomic ion (pa) Homework: Nomenclature packet page 5 (all of it!) Sapling #15 (you should already be done!)—due Tuesday 1/14 at 11:55pm Sapling #16 will be available Tuesday after school and will be due Tuesday 1/21 at 11:55pm Quiz over naming compounds next class