“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving
What do you know about the story already?
Popular Cultural References
What is a legend?
What is a legend? “a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.”
Has this story become an American Legend?
History of the Story – Washington Irving
Close Reading Techniques Write down any unfamiliar words “Annotate” in the notes section Take notes on key ideas, interesting bits, connections you make… Doodle what’s going on in the story!
Points to Consider… A B Hollywood has made this frightening apparition the signature image of the tale, yet Irving presents him as a creature of hearsay and foolish superstition who remains indistinct even when he finally appears. The "Legend" has gained a reputation as a ghost story over the years, but Irving shaped it as a story of how self-delusion can lead to a person’s own downfall.
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