Bell Work: Electrostatics If you rub a balloon on your arm more, the size of the charge will ( decrease / increase ). An object loses electrons and becomes ( positively / negatively ) charged. If you charge two objects by rubbing them on your arm, they will have ( different / the same ) charges. A neutral object will always attract to a ( neutral / charged ) object. A balloon always gets a ( negative / positive ) charge.
Lightning: How is it formed? Lightning is a discharge of static electricity.
1. Friction causes clouds to become statically charged.
2. Through induction, ground and/or objects become oppositely charged. ** If positive the e- were pushed away from the surface.
3. Charge difference becomes large enough for cloud to discharge electrons (lightning) from cloud to ground.
4. After the lightning, the charge has been removed.
Induction: Charging without touching Objects have opposite charges and attract! Charge is always conserved.