Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Heather Sagar Headquarters Caribbean Fishery Management Council: December 15, 2015
Take Aways NOAA Fisheries needs to, can and is committed to doing EBFM There are many benefits of doing EBFM NOAA Fisheries aim is to provide a menu of analytical options to address ecosystem considerations Making EBFM operational remains a key challenge, but is one we are up for in partnership with you! 5/26/2019
Coral Reefs and Associated Fishes Changes in climate CO2, temperature, sedimentation, acidification ⇨bleaching Impacts to coral health Trickle through impacts to reef fish production? Impacts to vibrant sport fishery, recreational fishery, and diving industries? Forage fish example: EAF – adds ecological factors (e.g. predation) and environmental factors (e.g. temperature) into standard single species stock assessments, which account for catch, abundance, and population age/size structure data. Next Generation Stock Assessments (EAFM) – enhance traditional forecasts by incorporating information collected through advanced technologies, habitat assessments, and ecosystem analysis (including climate impacts) into stock forecast models. EBFM – considers not only the impacts of ecological and environmental factors on these forage stocks but also the dynamics of these forage stocks on other parts of the ecosystem. E.g. are there marine mammals or other fish (incl. commercial fishery spp) that are dependent on the forage fish? Potential tradeoffs between the different uses of and impacts to these forage stocks need to be evaluated. EBM – consideration of these forage fish and their role in the ecosystem and impacts to them in a broader context in relation to making tradeoffs between multiple sectors/uses of a geographically specified marine region. U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Fisheries | Page 4
Policy Components Policy Statement Background Purpose of and Need for Policy Definition of EBFM Context of EBFM Benefits Guiding Principles Legal Authorities and Mandates NOAA Fisheries Responsibilities
Policy Statement NOAA Fisheries strongly supports the implementation of Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM), to better inform decisions and help achieve and optimize the benefits from marine fisheries by evaluating trade-offs among and between fisheries (commercial, recreational, and subsistence), aquaculture, protected species, biodiversity, and habitats, while maintaining resilient and productive ecosystems.
Policy Defines EBFM as: A systematic approach to fisheries management in a geographically specified area that ensures the resilience and sustainability of the ecosystem ; recognizes the physical, biological, economic, and social interactions among the affected components of the ecosystem, including humans; and seeks to optimize benefits among a diverse set of societal goals.
EBFM Guiding Principles Outcome 6. Maintain Resilient Ecosystems What is our advice? 5. Incorporate ecosystem considerations into management advice Interdependent What are our options? 4. Explore and address trade-offs within an ecosystem What are our priorities? 3. Prioritize vulnerabilities and risks of ecosystems and their components What are our objectives? 2. Implement ecosystem-level planning What is the foundational science we need? 1. Advance our understanding of ecosystem processes
Next Steps for Policy Will be open for informal comment through Dec 16, 2015 Comments to Heather Sagar and Jason Link Developing associated EBFM Road Map to answer the “what’s next” question Hope to finalize in early 2016 I know today is Dec 15, and we’re asking for comments by tommorrow, but please get us comments as soon as you can. Happy to take them verbally if you like. Thank you.
Ecosystem-related Efforts Fisheries Ecosystem Plan Analysis Science Advisory Panel EBFM Report National Climate Science Strategy NOAA Fisheries Policy on EBFM Survey of EBFM in Fishery Management Plans Lenfest EBFM Task Force Stock Assessment Improvement Plan Implementation Plan for EBFM Policy ‘Roadmap’ Science Program Review, Ecosystem Science 2015 2016