30 Day Challenge
Achieve your goals and fulfill your potential…AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!
We are creatures of habit and here’s what happens to New Ideas or Exposures to a new idea over a period of just a few days: One day from now = 25% forgotten Two days = 48% forgotten Four days = 85% forgotten In sixteen days = 98% of the original idea is GONE!
Your biggest obstacle to forming new habits are your old habits. The progressive realization of goals / success is achieved on a daily basis. Your biggest obstacle to forming new habits are your old habits. The secret to success is a few simple disciplines practiced every day. The formula for failure is a few errors in judgement repeated every day.
The HPA SYSTEM Focus on High Payoff Activities Double Your Effectiveness
Two minutes a day Read the same note – one minute in the morning and one minute in the evening.
You will see changes in 5-30 days. Develop a different focus Your life will become what you focus on.
YOU DO WHAT YOU THINK Setting and achieving goals will pull you out of your comfort zone. You will rise to the challenge. Rising to the challenge becomes automatic.
Negativity is the biggest hindrance to success. Recognize negative thoughts and realign your focus to something positive. Focus on one of your many blessings
GOALS = MOTIVATION = POSITIVE ATTITUDE Discover your “Why” and the “How” automatically follows.
Motivation = Motives and Goals
NO NO NO no no yes YES YES YES YES Our normal tendency is to resist new ideas with a strong subconscious. NO NO NO no no yes YES YES YES YES
Your attitude dominates your life. Your psychological compass has been programmed by your thoughts. You become what you think about.
0-6 years old While our attitude was being formed, we heard a lot of no, don’t, and can’t. Your Habit of Thought becomes your Attitude and sets the direction to your Psychological Compass.
Your Psychological Compass develops your personality
Change the direction of your life by changing your thoughts. Make a better selection of the five people you spend the most time around and whatever impacts your mind on a daily basis.
LET’S GET STARTED! First, set short term goals. Then, focus on long term goals.
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step THIS is that first step
The Front Panel Will You Invest 60 Minutes? How about spread over 30 days? At two minutes a day?
On average, 62% of the absorption of an idea occurred after the 6th exposure.
When you complete your daily reading, backslash \ in the AM and forward slash / in the PM = X ! The daily check-off creates a flow of Serotonin that makes you feel good. The more you feel good, the happier you are.
OPEN THE 30-DAY CHALLENGE ALL THE WAY The 30-Day Challenge will create the daily focus needed to bring about the magnetic attraction that all achievers enjoy.
Answer all of the questions Don’t worry about specifics or being exact Take your time…this is YOUR LIFE
Item 7 was an editing mistake made by the printer. Why would you need an extra day to do something that is important to you? Do it now or commit to doing it later today. Using the HPA SYSTEM will save you at least two hours a day.
Item 10: “Sharing THE 30 DC” will reinforce these concepts in you and add substantial benefits to them. You will find that as you teach, you learn.
Albert Einstein felt he only used 10% of his true potential Albert Einstein felt he only used 10% of his true potential. Your potential is only limited by how you see yourself.
Item 11: insert the date you will complete the 30-Day Challenge and commit to sending Marie your comments. Making and keeping commitments is directly correlated to the level of success you attain. Winners keep commitments. Most people do not.
PANEL 2 - WANTS, WISHES, GOALS Add the date you’d like to achieve certain things in all 7 important areas of your life. Our focus for now will be Short Term (or within one year), so insert that date next to the word “by.” Write down 3 things you would like to have, be, do or achieve under each area of your life. Total entries equal 21 (3 for each of the 7 areas of your life ).
PANEL 3 - PRIORITY - TOP GOAL - TIME/ $ Let’s focus on Priority. There is a > under the word Priority, inside of that > place the number indicating this is your most important area of focus. Continue the process until you have Prioritized all 7 areas. A balanced life is achieved by accomplishing goals in all 7 areas.
Select your Top Goal for each area. Prioritize these three items and select the one that is most important now. Choose the top one for each area of your life. Select the single item that is most important and place it onto the single line on panel three.
CAUTION: This is a critical step! Your goals have to be S M A R T ! S SPECIFIC M MEASURABLE A ATTAINABLE R RELEVANT T TIME BOUND…
What is the reality of what you will have to invest in time, effort, and/or money? This will be inserted in the < under the heading TIME/$.
PANEL 4 - HIGH PAYOFF ACTIVITIES On a separate piece of paper begin to write down all the things you believe you will need to do to make your top goal a reality. Choose the three items that if you did, these few would make all the other items on your list unnecessary.
By now you understand what a High Payoff Activity is and why we get swamped and overwhelmed by Low Payoff Activities. Most people are being strangled by the LPA’s in their lives. Most people lead lives of silent frustration that overwhelms them.
In time you will no longer be working on the system because with sufficient FOCUS, the system will be working on you. You will know when that happens because you will begin achieving more, and your productivity will be increasing.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Your Commitment Partner will hold you accountable, and you will do the same in return. If each of you take ownership of making daily commitments and encourage each other, your environment will become highly motivational and stimulating.
The key person in this deal is YOU. What are your High Payoff Activities as noted on Panel 4 of the centerfold? What are the three measurable actions and tasks you will perform to achieve your goals written on panel three?
All skills are acquired through daily repetition of the same ideas.
Focus on 3 of your 7 areas. Business life will be number one as well as your next two or three areas that you choose to focus on.
The other areas of your life will be addressed after you start achieving measurable success and you become more familiar with the a few of the additional tools in the HPA SYSTEM: The 30-Day Challenge (30 DC) The Daily High Payoff Activity Guide (HPAG) The Daily / Weekly Scoreboard (DWS)
Focus of your giving, and that is to give to your commitment partner. Every day, think about what you can give to your partner. Contact them twice a day, including weekends. Keep them in focus on panel three and four of The 30-Day Challenge.
Those who practice gratitude will be more alert and energetic on a regular basis. Grateful people get more exercise. Feel less bodily aches and pains Lower your blood pressure! Count your blessings twice a day.
THE PARETO PRINCIPLE The 80 - 20 Rule. The HPA System is very similar but laid out in an understandable A-B-C format.