in collaboration with: Mira Vista School Garden: Plant Pollination - Basic 2017-2018 school year Dennis Shusterman & Joni Stickney, Contra Costa County Master Gardeners in collaboration with: Gabriella Rossi, Brett Lackey, Sarita Pockell & Melanie Pepper West Contra Costa County Unified School District
What do flowers do? They make seeds so that new plants can grow They can turn into fruits that animals and people can eat They make our gardens and nature areas more beautiful
What parts does a typical flower have?
What parts does a typical flower have? Petals Sepals
What parts does a typical flower have? Male = Stamen Anther Filament
What parts does a typical flower have? Female = Pistil Stigma Style Ovary
Perfect flowers: Poppy
Perfect flowers: Poppy
Perfect Flowers: Strawberry
Imperfect flowers on the same plant: Squash Male Squash Flower Female Squash Flower
What is pollination?
How does a perfect flower pollinate? Male = Stamen Anther Female = Pistil Stigma Pollen
How does pollination occur?
How does pollination occur? Wind
How does pollination occur? Wind Water
How does pollination occur? Wind Water Insects
How does pollination occur? Wind Water Insects Bats
How does pollination occur? Wind Water Insects Bats Birds
Animal pollinators: Bees
Animal pollinators: Flies
Animal pollinators: Butterflies
Animal pollinators: Moths
Animal pollinators: Wasps
Animal pollinators: Crawling insects
Animal pollinators: Bats
Animal pollinators: Birds
Resources: Print & Interactive Interactive Lessons on flower anatomy and pollination Flower Anatomy Animation Plant Breeding Animation Flowers (technical animation) Includes flower anatomy & classification; pollination & genetics Major threats to pollinators
Resources: Videos Pollinators: Putting Food on the Table Pollination: Trading Food for Fertilization The Beauty of Pollination Flowers and Pollination Introduction to Pollination Pollination of Plants Types of Pollination