Makefiles and the make utility make is a unix utility Organizes command-based tasks Uses file timestamps to keep targeted files up to date Useful for automating compilation of software projects makefiles are used by make Define which commands need to be run (and their syntax) To establish dependencies between files Macros can be defined and used for global options Rules can be defined to simplify commands
Makefiles Consists of targets, dependencies, and commands Basic syntax: target: depend1 depend2 … command [arg1] [arg2] … [additional commands] Note: command must be preceded by a tab (not spaces)! For each target in the makefile the timestamp of the target is compared to those of the dependencies If a dependent file is newer than the target, the commands get executed Dependent files may be targets themselves Could trigger multiple commands as files get updated
Makefile flow example testdate depends on Date.o and TestDate.o Date.o, in turn, depends on Date.cpp and Date.h If, for example, Date.cpp is changed and make is executed Date.o will be out of date Causes execution of: g++ -c Date.cpp $(DB) Produces updated Date.o Which then, causes execution of: g++ -o testdate TestDate.o Date.o $(DB) Result: recompiled testdate Only the code necessary for updating is recompiled (TestDate.o is not changed) DB=-g testdate: Date.o TestDate.o g++ -o testdate TestDate.o Date.o $(DB) TestDate.o: TestDate.cpp Date.h g++ -c TestDate.cpp $(DB) Date.o: Date.cpp Date.h g++ -c Date.cpp $(DB) clean: rm -f *.o testdate lie: echo "This is a great lecture"
Running make Execute “make” at the command prompt By default, it will run command in a file called makefile or Makefile To run any other file name, use the –f option make –f somefile By default, make will attempt to update the first target it encounters in the makefile To select a different target, simply add it to the argument list make target1 [target2 …] Multiple targets are permitted Commands will be echoed to the terminal as they are run
Makefile macros DB is a macro make clean It is invoked as $(DB) DB=-g testdate: Date.o TestDate.o g++ -o testdate TestDate.o Date.o $(DB) TestDate.o: TestDate.cpp Date.h g++ -c TestDate.cpp $(DB) Date.o: Date.cpp Date.h g++ -c Date.cpp $(DB) clean: rm -f *.o testdate lie: echo "This is a great lecture" DB is a macro It is invoked as $(DB) Resulting command for Date.o target is: g++ -c Date.cpp –g which compiles for debugging make clean Does not create/update a file called clean It simply runs the rm command to remove all compiled results Similar behavior for make lie!
Makefile rules rule: %.o: %.cpp … Built-in macros: For any .cpp file, make the corresponding .o with the given rule Built-in macros: $@: left side of “:” separator $^: right side of “:” separator $<: first argument on right side CC=g++ CFLAGS=-g DEPS = Date.h OBJ = Date.o TestDate.o %.o: %.cpp $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) testdate: $(OBJ) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS)