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Presentation transcript:

Actions List

Action list BEER Revisit current plans for access policies ESS will try to accommodate the policies from ILL and ISIS Process under consideration but nor real actions taken Industry is more and more involved (separate or group visits and workshops) Details on flux under different pulse shaping modes and explain the functionality Day-1 no high flux option in pulse shaping mode – variation from high to medium resolution Modulation technique available from Day-1 with various resolution – limited multiplication factor Source: 2023 – 250-600 kW, 2024 (SOUP) – 700-1300 kW, 2 MW at Q4/2025

Action list BEER Capabilities of sample environments for BEER Deformation rig and dilatometer are main focus from the instrument team – more suitable for science research Gleeble is more industry oriented simulator Contact with industry and Dynamic Systems to understand the needs in progress Determine what types of alignment hardware and strategies are required, e.g. by discussion with instrument teams at other neutron stress scanners. Development of the alignment tool by Malcolm continue Discussion with SMARTS team was carried out Further active contact with other engineering instruments in near future Adopt project planning software Done both HZG and NPI planners use the MS Project software

Progress Update

Progress Update Contracts Draft of Contribution agreement passed ESS council in December  signatures pending Work on TA on going NBOA on critical path TG3 by 30.07.2019  Plan B under discussion with ESS

Progress Update In-bunker & SEE Call for tender verification - CTV: Chopper Neutron guides in-bunker Hexapod and Rotary stage 6-axis robot arm Feedback received last Friday Minor changes

Detector Status G. Nowak, J. Plewka, Ch. Jacobsen, C. Gregersen, F. Theopold, A. Beldowski, J. Burmester Inside view: Detector-planes structure Detector electronics (outside): Outside view: Main-amp, CFD, FPGA(TDC)-unit for 2 planes: 1000 mm & on delay-line pre-amp: ≈1460 1000 mm 1m2- 10B4C-coatings commerc. available -“connection“ to ICS/EPICS integrated -for HV-supply a NIM create needed -CF4-gas supply needed -weight: 600 kg

TG3‘s HZG Feb ‘19 Jan ‘20 Mar ‘20 Jun ‘20 Aug ‘20 CTV IDR TG3‘s Choppers, in bunker neutron optics, sample stage IDR Choppers, in bunker neutron optics, sample stage, Detector Collimators TG3‘s Choppers, in bunker neutron optics, sample stage, Detectors Final TG3 TG3

Guide outside of the bunker Contract for the transport guide and guide exchanger Contract for the design and manufacturing of the transport guide (outside of the bunker, including safety shutter part) + focusing part (including slit system) + guide exchanger was signed – Nuvia-Mirrotron is the winner Kick-off meeting in January Early manufacturing documentation will be submitted shortly for transport part IDR planned in September Discussion on the last slit system design: fixed exchangeable apertures vs. motorised slit system (limited space)

IDR – cave, guide shielding, safety shutter IDR meeting in December 11, 2018 Small issues with the level of description of interfaces Safety shutter needs some more work Overall no mayor issues with the concept design Serious debate about the H1 and H2 scenarios for engineering Definition of “full beam”, re-definition of “worst-sample” Passive shielding for H2 preferred Not-real comments about shielding calculations Cave re-design

!Shrinking of the inner space, floor load capacity, feasibility! H1 and H2 scenarios Full beam and the worst-sample definition H1 IDR definition Full beam: all choppers stopped open, all slits are fully open Worst-samples: 1 cm3 of water (neutron scatterer), 1 cm3 Ni (gamma emitter) H2 IDR definition (active monitoring, dose on cave wall 20 mSv/h) Worst-sample: 100x100x1 mm3 Cd sheet Cave wall thickness in IDR: 55 cm rear and side walls, 60 roof and front wall Re-definition of the worst-sample: 4x4x1.5 cm3 on Ni (Ni harder gamma than Cd) Active monitoring of H2: troubles with definition of devices and place where to measure, safety components! – expensive, passive solution preferred when reachable New simulation shows that H1 (bigger Ni) overgoes H2 (Cd in the beam) Thicker shielding needed -> front and roof wall 125 cm, side and back wall 105 cm !Shrinking of the inner space, floor load capacity, feasibility! re-definition of roof as control-zone (25 mSv/h – no access), walls: concrete + steel Side and rear wall: 60 cm concrete + 14 steel, roof: 78 cm of concrete (B4C tiles on walls) Floor load: 20 t/m2 very difficult to achieve – local overload could be acceptable Schedule delay: 2 months (but we could keep the installation at the end of this year)

H1 and H2 scenarios Full beam and the worst-sample definition What if floor load limit will be able to achieve? Redefinition of H1 “full beam” scenarios Decrease the probability of stopping all of the choppers in open position by applying control software procedures (can’t be eliminated, not safety related software!) user will not be able to change the mode of measurement (modulation or pulse chapping) Frame overlap chopper at 80 m will be rotation all the time (decrease the flux on the sample, can limit the imaging option on the instrument) Used fixed smaller aperture in the guide system (reduction of science case) User will be able to change the slits so the worst-case H1 scenario is fully open slit system H2 scenario will need to be handled with active monitoring gamma monitors in the control hutch and near by the hot spot – safety component incorporation of additional light shutter to link to the gamma monitor – safety component Not clear answer from the radiation safety group how to handle this scenario It will lead to another delay in the sub-TG3 for the cave and further installation process.

TG3‘s NPI June ‘19 Sep ‘19 Oct ‘19 Nov ‘19 Jan ‘20 Aug ’20 IDR TG3’s Guide outside of the bunker, guide support TG3’s Cave & hutch, guide shielding, safety shutter TG4‘s Cave, guide shielding Installation Cave Guide shielding Final TG3 TG3

TG3‘s Further schedule Schedule - Summary 2018 2019 2020 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CTV NG   CH IDR CV  NG  CH  CO sub-TG3 CO Install. C GS Final TG3 FI NG – neutron guide and guide exchanger (NPI) CV – cave, hutch and guide shielding (NPI) CH – choppers, in-bunker optics, sample tower, detectors (HZG) CO – collimators (HZG) C – cave GS – guide shielding FI – final TG3 Further schedule Cold commissioning start - H1 2022 Hot commissioning start – Q4 2022/Q1 2023