Posesión con “de” Possession with “de”
Posesión con “de” The construction noun+”de” + subject expresses both relationships (if the noun is a person) and possession (if the noun is a thing) This is similar to the English ‘s El amigo de Miguel Miguel’s friend. El libro de Miguel Miguel’s book
In Spansh, “apostrophe s” is never used. The thing owned comes first, then the person who owns it. The direct article is always used with the owned thing. La dirección de María Maria´s address La clase de Dra. Peña Dr . Peña´s class La rosa de Rosa Rosa´s rose.
This construction is also used to describe an object as part of a category: (Computer lab, English class, city bus, peanut butter, Shakespeare play) El laboratorio de computadoras La clase de inglés El bus de la ciudad La mantequilla de maní La obra de Shakespeare