Demonstrative Adj and Sentences Let’s make sure we’ve got this
Do Now: Translate: This party (near) is close to that party (far) These wines (near) are far from those wines (far) These loves (near) are close to those loves (far).
Let’s take this step by step
Ce What kind of words?
Cette What kind of words?
Ces What kind of words?
Cet What kind of words?
If it is near, you add a -ci TO THE END
If it is far, you add a -la TO THE END
Last time, we also reviewed two forms of être est - is sont - are
Prepositions of Location à côté de: next to entre: between à droite de: to the right of loin de: far from à gauche de: to the left of par: by dans: in près de: close to, near derrière: behind sous: under devant: in front of sur: on en: in en face de: across from
Now, let’s do some comparaisons
(close to)
(close to)
(close to)
(to the right of/to the left of)
Find yourself a group of three Dialog - you are shopping for clothing. 7 lines per person, compare two objects using location expressions. Example: « this shirt is far away from those pants. »