Wooridul Spine Hospital Fellowship Program Application Form Desired Duration : 1 year Starting Month : Wooridul Spine Hospital Fellowship Program Application Form 1. Personal Information Name Address Phone Number Fax Number E-mail Date of Birth Place of Birth Citizenship First Language Marital Status 2. Business Address Hospital Address Phone Number Fax Number E-mail 3. Parents, Next of Kind or Other Alternate Contact Hospital Address Phone Number Fax Number E-mail Application Requirement : Complete this form in writing or typing. Please submit the form with a Curriculum Vitae, 2 Recommendation letters, Photocopy of passport, and Certification of medical degrees For further Information : Catherine Jeong Phone : +82 2 513 8149 Fax : +82 2 513 8154 E-mail : miss@wooridul.co.kr
4. Educational Background College or University Undergraduate Education Institution : Year of Graduation : Medical School Internship & Residency Other Training : Have you ever participated in any research projects? If yes, please specify. Have you published any scientific articles? If yes, please specify. Have your received any prizes or honors? If yes, please specify. 5. Research Interests 6. Recommendation Letter 1) Name : Address : 2) Name :
Personal Essay (500 words or less) Why did you choose Orthopedic/Neurosurgery ? Why did you choose a surgery in spine field ? Why did you apply for this fellowship ? How do you plan to apply this training and learning to your practice? * You may use separate paper.