Rainbows & blue skies By Rebecca Hughes
rainbows rainbows are formed by the reflection of light in water droplets in the earths atmosphere. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. Rainbows are not an object and can not be physically approached. You can only see rainbows on a 42 degree angle from the direction opposite the sun. The colours in the rainbow are: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and violet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow
Blue skies Except for light that comes directly from the sun, most of the light in the day sky is caused by scattering. The sky can turn a multitude of colours such as red, orange, purple and yellow, especially near sunset or sunrise when the light must pass through a much longer path through the atmosphere. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. The white light from the sun is a mixture of all colours of the rainbow. The three different types of colour in the retina of the human eye respond most strongly to red, green and blue wavelengths, giving us our colour vision. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky