YEAR 9 OPTIONS 13th March 2019
INTRODUCTION What are IGCSEs? British model GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education I = International
IGCSE: Outstanding Results 94% of HeadStart students achieved A*-C in at least 5 subjects 41% of all grades awarded were A*-A 93% of all grades awarded were A*-C 100% A*-C art & design, biology, chemistry, design & technology, Thai, Mandarin, English literature, music, physical education, physics
Key Questions? Which subjects are you good at? Which subjects do you enjoy? Which subjects are important for your overall development? Which subjects can the school viably offer?
What should not influence your choices… What you think you ‘may’ want as a future career. What your friends are doing. Whether you like the teacher. What you think will be “easy”.
BROAD Education should maximise future opportunities. Current trends in education favour a broad education for as long as possible. IGCSE is too early to narrow your options or to be set in your ways about your future plans
BALANCED Include a range from: Scientific Mathematical Humanities Practical Creative Languages Physical Technical
RELEVANT Consider future study paths and career paths But… Do not assume an academic qualification leads to a career
DIFFERENCES All of us have different strengths and weaknesses. Do not run away from a challenge, but do not ignore your weaknesses. Don’t expect to love every subject. Don’t worry!
Subjects for Years 10-11 All Students study a number of COMPULSORY subjects. These include: English (ESL/Language/Literature) Mathematics (Core/Extended) Science (Double/Triple) Core Physical Education
“Core” Subjects English Some students take English as a Second Language The majority take First Language English The most able students take both English Language and English Literature in the same class – worth 2 IGCSEs
“Core” Subjects Mathematics Most students take Mathematics Core and are targeting a C grade The most able students take Mathematics Extended – targeting grades B-A* and preparing for Mathematics A Level
“Core” Subjects Science Most students take Co-ordinated Sciences (worth 2 IGCSEs – grades available up to A*A*) The most able students take Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate subjects (worth 3 IGCSEs – considerably more work)
Students must take FOUR OPTIONAL Subjects Computer Science Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Business Studies Geography History Physical Education Art & Design Design & Technology Drama Music Mandarin Chinese First Language Thai Other first languages
Making the Choice Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Business Studies Physical Education (PE) Mandarin Chinese History Art & Design Design & Technology (D&T) Geography Drama Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Computer Science Music First Language Thai
Timescale Options Fair Students make choices online – link will be sent before the end of the week Conversations with students (and parents) as required Parents sign to confirm choices