US History-Age of Reform US History Unit 8
Abolitionist Goal: Wanted to end slavery in America Leaders: Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, John Brown, Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Toms Cabin), William Loyd Garrison Accomplishments: 13th Amendment (Emancipation for former slaves), 14th Amendment (Citizenship for former slaves) & 15th Amendment (Voting rights for former slaves)
Hudson River School / Transcendentalism Goal: Wanted individuals to abandoned the cities and return to nature Leaders: Thomas Cole, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau Accomplishments: 19th century American paintings, poems & books focusing on nature
Public Education Goal: Wanted to provide free education for all (regardless of economic stasis) Leaders: Horace Mann Accomplishments: Today public education (k-12th grade) is free for all studnets.
Women Suffrage Goal: Wanted to gain equality & voting rights for women Leaders: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucrieta Mott & Sojurner Truth Accomplishments: 19th Amendment- voting rights for women
Underground Railroad Goal: Help runaway slaves flee the south Leaders: Harriet Tubman Accomplishments: Thousands of slaves escaped southern plantations to northern cities and eventually Canada.
Temperance Movement Goal: Wanted to end the consumption & sale of Alcohol Leaders: Women & Religious leaders Accomplishments: 18th Amendment (banning the sale & consumption of alcohol) & 21st Amendment- (Relegalizing the sale & consumption of alcohol)
Prison & Asylum Reform Goal: Improve orphanages, prisons & asylums so that the facilities were safe and humane. Leaders: Dorothea Dix Accomplishments: Goal of the aforementioned facilities became rehabilitation not containement.
Second Great Awakening Goal: Religious movements that used fiery sermons to inspire other to practice religions and start community service. Leaders: Religious Leaders Accomplishments: It started all other reform movements