Jesus said, “I am…”.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus said, “I am…”

“I AM…” A first person identifier One taking ownership of something. While on earth, Jesus made many claims about Himself Because of these claims, we know Him better Today, we examine some of these claims He made – we focus on John’s gospel

“I Am the bread of life” John 6:35 Jesus has fed 5000 with little food. The next day He teaches them to labor for food that does not perish. He is that food. The conversation becomes strong calling for them to eat His body and drink His blood. Many leave Him not understanding

“I Am the bread of life” John 6:35 Jesus is our sustainer. Just as we need food to sustain us physically, we need Him to sustain us spiritually. He must become part of who we are – Philippians 1:21, Galatians 2:20

“I Am the light of the world John 9:5 Jesus gives sight to a man born blind. He makes spiritual application. Light and darkness in John – 1:5, 3:19 – darkness did not comprehend Him 1:9 – He is the true light 8:12 – light of the world in contrast to their blindness 12:35-46 – Jesus the light only with them a little while longer.

“I Am the light of the world John 9:5 Jesus is OUR source of light! We need His guidance to navigate through the darkness of this world. Philippians 2:15, Matthew 5:14-16 – we are to let this light shine forth from us

“I Am the door John 10:7, 9 A discourse about a sheepfold. Jesus declares that one must enter the sheepfold by the door. Any other way is a thief or robber. True sheep follow the shepherd who enters or guards the door. Jesus further declares that coming through Him leads to salvation.

“I Am the door John 10:7, 9 Jesus is OUR ONLY way to heaven Acts 4:12 – there is no other name Galatians 3:27 – we are baptized into Christ

“I Am the good Shepherd John 10:11, 14 Continuing His discourse about sheep and their shepherd He is the good shepherd who genuinely cares for His sheep. John 10:17-18 – He lays down His life for His sheep His sheep will hear His voice and follow Him.

“I Am the good Shepherd John 10:11, 14 Jesus LEADS us like a Shepherd 1 Peter 5:4, He is the “Chief Shepherd” We must listen to and follow Him Psalm 23 Matthew 7:21-23 – we must hear and follow Him!

“I Am the resurrection John 11:25 Events surrounding the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus delays 4 days before coming to raise Him He continues to prepare His disciples for His death and seeks to assure them He will be raised.

“I Am the resurrection John 11:25 Jesus gives us hope beyond this life IF He arose, so will we! This is the foundation of our hope and faith! There are over 300 verses in the NT about the resurrection 1 Peter 1:3-5 1 Corinthians 15:19

“I Am the way, truth & life John 14:6 Teaching His apostles as He faces death, He comforts them to not lose heart, even thought He was leaving them (He would return). 3 more descriptions

“I Am the way, truth & life John 14:6 Jesus is our only access to the Father! (and eternal life) He is the way – only path to God Ephesians 2:18 The truth – John 8:31-32 The life – eternal life, 1 John 5:11-12

“I Am the true vine John 15:1 Jesus is still teaching His apostles. He describes how they must keep abiding IN Him. There is also a call to be productive

“I Am the true vine” John 15:1, 5 We must abide in Him! We need to be productive in this Our hope is IN Him! Ephesians 1:7 Colossians 2:6-7

“If you do not believe that I am” John 8:24 Jesus continues to teach. He makes a bold declaration. Later in this chapter, He will be even more bold John 8:58, where He says, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Reference to Exodus 3:14 - Moses at the burning bush Jesus frequently alluded to His deity – John 8:23, cf. Mark 14:62, 22:70

“If you do not believe that I am” John 8:24 Jesus is God! That is why we can put our hope in Him. We can look to Him: To sustain us As light for guidance As the ONLY door As our Shepherd As the way, truth and life As the vine who we are in

Because of who He is, we call Him teacher and Lord (John 13:13) What does He mean to you?