October Sky Vocabulary: Chapters 1-6 Tipple (n) Chagrined (v) Mortified (v) Insatiable (adj) Chided (v) Prodigious (adj) Lucrative (adj) Surreptitiously (adv) Gouged (v) Defunct (adj) Insidious (adj)
October Sky Vocabulary: Chapters 1-6 1. Tipple: The structure that lifts, sorts, and dumps coal. Example Sentence: Everyday work at a coal mine would be difficult and frenzied without the tipple to help sort and organize the coal. 2. Mortified: Embarrassed in a humiliating or shameful way. Example Sentence: The girl was so mortified over what happened when she gave her speech, she never talked in front of her peers ever again.
3. Chided: To express disapproval or to scold someone 3. Chided: To express disapproval or to scold someone. Example Sentence: In harsh tones, the mother chided the child over the dropped ice cream cone. 4. Lucrative: Brings in a lot of money; profitable. You never use lucrative to describe a person; it is not synonymous with rich or wealthy. Example Sentence: The lucrative bake sale gave the struggling school more than enough money to function for the rest of the year.
5. Surreptitiously: To do something in a sneaky way; stealthy 5. Surreptitiously: To do something in a sneaky way; stealthy. Example Sentence: He surreptitiously inched around the corner, hoping that his target wouldn’t see him before the attack. 6. Gouged: To poke out. Example Sentence: The plane’s wing had a big hole gouged out of it from the storm’s ferocity.
7. Defunct: Broken; no longer in use or no longer effective 7. Defunct: Broken; no longer in use or no longer effective. Example Sentence: It was clear that the car was finally defunct; it sat in the yard for a year with weeds growing around it. 8. Insidious: Intending to trap someone or something in a sneaky, deceitful way; something/someone that causes damage before you’re even aware. Examples Sentence: The insidious habit became too much before she even realized she was addicted. The insidious form of cancer became malignant in a matter of weeks.
9. Chagrined: To be embarrassed 9. Chagrined: To be embarrassed. Example Sentence: She was chagrined after she fell down the stairs during class change; none of her friends would ever let her forget it. 10. Insatiable: Incapable of being satisfied. Example Sentence: The boy’s hunger was insatiable no matter what he ate; he was ALWAYS hungry! 11. Prodigious: Huge, wonderful, amazing. Example: The prodigious party was so over the top that the clean-up lasted for a week.