ASPIRE Pre-Survey Adaptations for Students with Significant Cognitive Impairments Adapted for use by students who are unable to complete the Pre-Survey even with Student Perception Guided Questions. Juanita Pritchard Sept 2015 for GLRS MetroWest For classroom use only, cannot be used for commercial purposes Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC and google images Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Awareness INDICATOR: I know why individual members are in the IEP meetings and how they help me. Guided questions: What is the purpose of the IEP? Do you know why each person is in the meeting? Have you been to an IEP meeting? What did you do in the meeting? Have any of your teachers talked with you about your IEP before the meeting? Modified questions: What is an IEP meeting? Who goes to IEP meeting? Have you been to an IEP meeting? Have any of your teachers talked with you about your IEP before the meeting? HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES TO ALLOW STUDENT TO PARTICIPATE: Picture/word choices for questions 1 & 2 – using photos of people possibly participating 2 forms – circle answer page and larger cards to allow pointing, grabbing, and/or eye gaze selections. Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Awareness INDICATOR: I know why individual members are in the IEP meetings and how they help me. 1. What is an IEP? Answer page Juanita Pritchard September 2015 This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed.
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Awareness INDICATOR: I know why individual members are in the IEP meetings and how they help me. These choices can be used to answer Question 1: What is an IEP? Place soft Velcro on question slide and hard Velcro on back of choice cards so materials can be used again OR print and allow students to glue their answers or choose by eye gaze or communication device. 1. What is an IEP? Answer choices: Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Awareness INDICATOR: I know why individual members are in the IEP meetings and how they help me. 2. Who might come to my IEP? Juanita Pritchard September 2015 This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed.
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 These choices can be used to answer Question 2 Place soft Velcro on question slide and hard Velcro on back of choice cards so materials can be used again OR print and allow students to glue their answers or choose by eye gaze or communication device. 2. Who might come to my IEP? Answer choices: NOTE: For many students it is better to use an actual photo than a symbol because the symbols are often too abstract. Also, begin with a few choices and increase as student shows mastery/understanding. Don’t forget to add distractors for choices to assess if the student really knows. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC and google images
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 These choices can be used to answer Question 2 Place soft Velcro on question slide and hard Velcro on back of choice cards so materials can be used again OR print and allow students to glue their answers or choose by eye gaze or communication device. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC and google images
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Example showing how effective real photos can be for student. Do not use these photos – insert appropriate photos for student. DRAFT SAMPLE DRAFT SAMPLE DRAFT SAMPLE Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Distractors to assess if student understands concept of who might come to IEP and why. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC and google images
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Content INDICATOR: I can name a goal(s) that I am working on from my IEP. Guided questions: What does your IEP say? What are your accommodations/goals? How does your accommodation help you in school? Modified questions: What does your IEP say? What is in the IEP? What do you need to help you at school? HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES TO ALLOW STUDENT TO PARTICIPATE: Picture/word choices for question 2: 2 forms – circle answer page and larger cards to allow pointing, grabbing, and/or eye gaze selections. Question –What is one goal in my IEP? Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Content INDICATOR: I can name a goal(s) that I am working on from my IEP. 3. What is one goal in my IEP?Answer page This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed. Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Content INDICATOR: I can name a goal(s) that I am working on from my IEP. 3. What are some of the goals in my IEP? This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed. Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Activity from HS UNIQUE Core Materials related to goal setting. Must have subscription to use this material. DRAFT SAMPLE Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC
COMPENTENCY: IEP Content INDICATOR: I can name a goal(s) that I am working on from my IEP. 3. Possible answers These will be individual for each student. To begin the process focus on only 1 important goal – the most concrete ones if possible. These are just examples as they should be individualized for each student. Writing my name without help. Answering questions about myself. Knowing my numbers 1-5. Reading 10 Sight words. This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed. Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: IEP Content INDICATOR: I can name a goal(s) that I am working on from my IEP. 3. Possible distractors Walking my dog at home. Watching TV. Sleeping at night. Making my bed. This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed. Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 These choices can be used to answer Question 2 Place soft Velcro on question slide and hard Velcro on back of choice cards so materials can be used again OR print and allow students to glue their answers or choose by eye gaze or communication device. 3. What is one goal my IEP? Also, begin with a few choices and increase as student shows mastery/understanding. Don’t forget to add distractors for choices to assess if the student really knows. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: Awareness of Strengths and CHallenges INDICATOR: I can name at least one new strength and one new challenge as it relates to my disability. Guided questions: How does your disability help you or hold you back at school? What do you do well? In what classes? What activities or classes are hard for you? Modified questions: What can you do well at school? What do you need help with at school? HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES TO ALLOW STUDENT TO PARTICIPATE: Picture/word choices for question 2: 2 forms – circle answer page and larger cards to allow pointing, grabbing, and/or eye gaze selections. Question –What do I need help with at school Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: Awareness of Strengths and Challenges INDICATOR: I can name at least one new strength related to my disability. 4. What is something I do really well at school? Juanita Pritchard September 2015 This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed.
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 4. Possible answers These will be individual for each student. These are just examples as they should be individualized for each student. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: Awareness of Strengths and Challenges INDICATOR: I can name at least one new challenge related to my disability. 5. What is something I need help with at school? Juanita Pritchard September 2015 This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed.
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 5. Possible answers These will be individual for each student. These are just examples as they should be individualized for each student. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 These choices can be used to answer Question 2 Place soft Velcro on question slide and hard Velcro on back of choice cards so materials can be used again OR print and allow students to glue their answers or choose by eye gaze or communication device. 4. What is something I do well at school? Also, begin with a few choices and increase as student shows mastery/understanding. Don’t forget to add distractors for choices to assess if the student really knows. 5. What is something I need help with at school? Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: Social/Communication Skills INDICATOR: I communicate likes, dislikes, and interests to the IEP team. Guided questions: Do you ask for help when you need it? Do you tell the IEP members what you need? Can you tell other people what you like? Can you explain to other people what you need? Modified questions: How do you ask for help? How do you tell people what you need? Do people understand you easily? 3. Do you have a communication device or book? Do others use it with you? What are things you like? What are things you do not like? HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES TO ALLOW STUDENT TO PARTICIPATE: Picture/word choices for question 2: 2 forms – circle answer page and larger cards to allow pointing, grabbing, and/or eye gaze selections. Questions: How do you tell other people what you need or want? Do you have communication support during the school day? What? What do you like? What things do you not like? Juanita Pritchard September 2015
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 COMPENTENCY: Social/Communication Skills INDICATOR: I communicate likes, dislikes, and interests to the IEP team. 6. How do you tell other people what you need or want? Juanita Pritchard September 2015 This page can be duplicated if space for additional answers is needed.
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 6. Possible answers These will be individual for each student. These are just examples as they should be individualized for each student. Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Graphics ©2015SymbolStix LLC and google images
Juanita Pritchard September 2015 Compentencies & Indicators not covered in this draft: **IEP Content (8-12) I can identify accommodations(s) and support(s) that are listed in my IEP and how they help me. **Transition Related (8-12) I can name my career pathway and one course related to it. Juanita Pritchard September 2015