North American Free Trade Agreement Went into effect on January 1, 1994 Merged the United States, Canada, and Mexico with more than 421 million consumers Breaks down tariffs and trade restrictions on most agriculture and manufactured products August 12, 1992 agreements in number of key areas include: agriculture, autos, transport, & intellectual property January, 2004 -10th anniversary = success and failure
About NAFTA On Jan 1, 1994 established Trilateral trade blocs USA Canada Mexico World’s Largest free trade area Trade has been soared since beginning
Cont… The goal was to eliminate barriers to trade and investments between three nations Also seeks to protect intellectual property rights Benefits Strong economic growth Job creation Better prices Better selection in consumer goods
Trade Balances US goods and services trade with NAFTA $1.6 trillion in latest report Export - $397 billion Import - $438 billion Trade Deficit - $41 billion
In terms of purchasing power parity GDP, largest trade bloc in the world and second largest by nominal GDP
European Union Formed in 1957 to improve economic and social conditions Has grown to 27-nation alliance Initiative Europe ’92 called for creation of open markets for Europe’s 340 million consumers Biggest expansion in 2004 – 10 new members from southern and eastern Europe Observers feared EU would become a trade barrier EU’s monetary revolution, introduction of the Euro
Nations of The EU * * * * * * * * * *
Members of Euroland-euro as currency Austria Belgium Cyprus Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxemburg Malta Netherlands(Holland) Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain
The other EU member states. with own currency Lithuania: Litas Poland: Zloty Sweden: Krona United Kingdom Pound Sterling Czech Rep: Czech Crown Denmark: Krone Hungary: Forint Latvia: Lats The other EU member states.
What is the European Union? It is a trading bloc of 27 countries who have come together to have; Free trade (Single European Market) Economic co-operation & political co-operation
What are the aims of the EU? Free trade: No customs/import duties between member countries. Free movement of capital(money) & labour(workers). Common currency: Only used by 16 member states at present.
EU Institutions The European Commission The European Parliament The Council of The European Union The European Court of Auditors The Court of Justice
The European Commission Drafts proposals for new laws. Enforces new laws. Manages the EU budget. Acts in the best interests of the EU.
European Parliament 13 MEP’s directly elected by EU citizens. Debates new laws. Aproves the EU budget. Supervises the EU. Suffers from a democratic deficit. Even though elected does not actually pass the laws.
Council of the European Union Made up of ministers from each member state. Depending of topic being discussed. Eg. Finance, Agriculture etc…. Main decision making body of EU. Set objectives of EU Decide on legislation.
Decision making process of the EU The EU commission thinks of ideas. The EU Parliament debates it and sends amendments back to The EU Commission, which amends the idea and sends it to The EU Parliament & Council of the EU, who have the final say.
EU Policies Major programs designed to help specific categories of people in the EU. Common Agriculture Policy - Farmers Common Fisheries Policy - Fishermen EU Social Charter – Workers Competition Policy - Consumers Single European Market – Business Economic & Monetary Union – Common currency
What is the Eurozone? The 16 countries within the EU which have the Euro as their currency. AKA “Euroland”.
Advantages of the No need to convert currency when trading with these countries, save money. Easier to compare prices. More employment due to US companies setting up in Ireland to have access to EU.
Disadvantages of the Ireland has no control over its interest rates. UK BREXIT– major trading partner. Increased competition as consumers can compare prices easily.
Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation APEC Forum
APEC Forum APEC is the premier forum for facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region
Birth of APEC 1989 APEC begins as an informal Ministerial-level dialogue group in Canberra, Australia in 1989 12 founding members: Australia, New Zealand 6 ASEAN economies Japan and South Korea Canada and the US
Expansion of APEC 1991-1998 1991: China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong 1993: Mexico and Papua New Guinea 1994 Chile 1998 Russia Vietnam Peru
Host Economy Every year one of the 21 member economies plays host to APEC meetings serves as the APEC Chair chairs the annual Economic Leaders’ Meeting Ministerial Meetings
APEC Secretariat Based in Singapore Executive Director Deputy Executive Director fixed 3-year terms since 2010 mostly diplomats
Policy Development Economic Leaders’ Meeting APEC Ministerial Meeting Annual APEC Ministerial Meetings of foreign and economic/trade ministers Held immediately before Economic Leaders’ Meetings Sectoral Ministerial Meetings edu., energy, env., fin., HR, sci-tech, sme, t.t.
Leaders’ Meetings Held annually since 1993 1993, Blake Island, Seattle, US APEC Leaders Economic Vision Statement
``Three Pillars” 3 specific areas crucial to achieving the Bogor Goals: Trade and investment liberalization Business facilitation Economic and technical cooperation
Leaders’ Meetings 1995, Osaka, Japan 1996, Subic, the Philippines Osaka Action Agenda concerted unilateral liberalization 1996, Subic, the Philippines Manila Action Plan all members submitted individual action plans
Shanghai, 2001 2001, Shanghai, China ``Meeting New Challenges In The New Century” APEC Leaders Statement on Counter-terrorism
Leaders’ Meetings 2002-2013 2002: Los Cabos, Mexico 2003: Bangkok, Thailand 2004: Santiago, Chile 2005: Busan, South Korea 2006: Hanoi, Vietnam 2007: Sydney, Australia 2008: Lima, Peru
Weaknesses of APEC Decision making by consensus No mechanism for enforcement Absence of priorities Lack of linkage to funding agencies
What Is Andean Community? The Andean Pact formed in 1969 using the EU model had more or less failed by the mid-1980s was re-launched in 1990, and now operates as a customs union renamed the Andean Community in 1997 signed an agreement in 2003 with MERCOSUR to restart negotiations towards the creation of a free trade area LO4: Explain the history, current scope, and future prospects of the world’s most important regional economic agreements.
Andean Community Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru Customs Union Abolished foreign exchange, financial and fiscal incentives, and export subsidies Established common external tariffs
Mercosur and the FTAA RTA among Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay was launched in 1991 with the Treaty of Asunción Common Market of the South, or Mercosur, took on Chile and Bolivia as associate members in 1996 and 1997, respectively Suggests that the RTA among the four core members is an actual common market with the free movement of labor and physical capital However, this is not the case Mercosur entered into force in 1995 as a FTA with plans to complete a CU by 2006 Free movement of labor and physical capital is a long way off
Mercosur Had a positive impact on amount of trade among its four core members Technology profile of traded goods is higher for trade within Mercosur than for trade between Mercosur and the rest of the world However, intra-Mercosur trade is low by world standards Troubled by two asymmetries that challenge its smooth functioning Argentina and Brazil dwarf Paraguay and Uruguay in economic size Smaller members find themselves somewhat sidelined from the core relationship between Argentina and Brazil Fundamental macroeconomic asymmetries between Argentina and Brazil Exchange rate asymmetries caused a great deal of friction between Argentina and Brazil
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ESTABLISHMENT AND MEMBERSHIP established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok five original Member Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam joined on 8 January 1984 Vietnam on 28 July 1995 Laos and Myanmar on 23 July 1997 Cambodia on 30 April 1999
The Establishment of ASEAN The ASEAN region has a population of about 500 million, A total area of 4.5 million square kilometers A combined gross domestic product of US$737 billion A total trade of US$ 720 billion.
Goals of ASEAN To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavors; and To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law.
ECONOMIC AND FUNCTIONAL COOPERATION When ASEAN was established, trade among the Member Countries was insignificant Thus, some of the earliest economic cooperation schemes of ASEAN were aimed at addressing this situation The Framework Agreement on Enhancing Economic Cooperation was adopted at the Fourth ASEAN Summit in Singapore in 1992, which included the launching of a scheme toward an ASEAN Free Trade Area or AFTA.
AEM: ASEAN Economic Ministers AMM: ASEAN Ministerial Meeting AFMM: ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting SEOM: Senior Economic Officials Meeting ASC: ASEAN Standing Committee SOM: Senior Officials Meeting ASFOM: ASEAN Senior Finance Officials Meeting
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
ABOUT SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was formally launched in 1985 Its seven founding members are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Afghanistan joined SAARC in 2007 The main objectives of SAARC are to place regional cooperation on a firm foundation, accelerate the pace of social and economic development of the countries, and further the cause of peace, progress and stability in the region.
Country Share of SAARC Regional GDP 2005, (US$ 995.82 billion) Bhutan 0% Pakistan 11% Maldives Nepal 1% India 79% Sri Lanka 2% Afghanistan Bangladesh 6%