December 5, 2013 - Welcome Back Find Your New Seat Assignment! Warm Up: DNA is the abbreviation for: Home Work: Finish reading chapter 14 Section 3 if not completed in class, Read through the Lab Take a Class Survey that will be completed in class tomorrow. Class Work: Check out textbooks, go over Class Room Expectations, read and take notes for Chapter 14 Section 3 and Mendel’s Genetics. Question of the day: Why is Mendel thought of as the “Father of Genetics”?
Eagle Team Class room Expectations Do not call out or get out of your seat without permission. Come to class prepared and have your “need list” materials at the start of class. Be respectful to your teachers, peers, and materials at all times. Entering or Exiting the class room and moving through the hall, should be done silently so to respect the learning environment.
Some facts about Mendel He became a monk as a way to gain an education As a young monk he was more interested in science that being a monk His work done on genetics ways widely circulated in the scientific community, but not understood Charles Darwin read Mendel’s papers but failed to make a connection with Darwin’s theory on biological evolution. Mendel stopped his scientific work when he was elected as the Abbott of the monastery