Structure 3B2 English
Learning Intention I am Learning to… I am learning how to further persuade my audience and encourage them to my way of thinking by creating a rapport with them. I am learning how to correctly structure a persuasive writing piece in order to influence opinion or belief with my intended reader
Success Criteria I can…. I can create rapport with my audience by appealing to their reason, experiences and emotions. I can structure my persuasive essay using effective vocabulary and sentence structure as well as a number of persuasive techniques in order to influence or encourage my intended reader.
Tone Whether in writing or in a speech, we must try to get the audience on our side if we want to persuade them of something. This can be done by: appealing to the audience's reason appealing to audience's experiences appealing to the audience's emotions.
Appealing to the audience's emotion As well as appealing to a shared sense of reason or shared experiences, we can also suggest shared emotions. Look at the following advertisements from the Canadian activist group Adbusters Media Foundation. What feelings do each of the adverts appeal to? What language features do you recognise?
How is this advert meant to make you feel? What emotions are evoked? How does language do this?
How is this advert meant to make you feel? What emotions are evoked? How does language do this?
Stages for Writing a Persuasive Essay (Structure) Research, noting: case studies, examples, Facts and Statistics etc (Remember to note the website/ book for your bibliography). TITLE SHOULD BE A STATEMENT. Sort your points into 2 columns: FOR and AGAINST Logically structure your points – number them etc Begin writing: INTRO – introduce your topic and make your view clearly known (whether you are FOR or AGAINST it). MAIN BODY – 4/5 Paragraphs, Create Rapport, use Facts and Statistics, Emotive Language, other persuasive devices to persuade your reader. CONCLUSION – Sum up and finish with your point of view – have you persuaded the reader? Arguments for and against interweaved throughout your essay. Use worksheets provided to help with language.
Presentation Don’t forget – Presentation can be persuasive too. Headings, headlines and sub-headings Deliberate use of different FONTS Short paragraphs Italics Capitals Underlining
Example SQA –
Resources Persuasive Devices worksheet FOR an AGAINST worksheet Useful Words and Phrases worksheet