Tips on Pronunciation Teacher Silvino Sieben 1ª Série Ensino Médio
R or H Shes wearing a hat. Shes wearing a rat.
M or N Sun times: I like them. Sometimes I like them.
The L
SH or CH She likes shopping. She likes chopping.
TH or S It is thinking. It is sinking.
Th or D He wants those! He wants a dose.
Silent K She likes the night. She likes the knight.
P, T, /K/ Remember to explode these letters in the beginning of words (followed by a vowel) and strong syllables, when speaking. Poker – Paint Time – Turtle Kite - Cat
Ch or T Look at that chin!! Look at that tin!
ain The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
Reference GODOY, S; GONTOW, C; MARCELINO, M. English pronunciation for brazilians. São Paulo: Disal, 2006.