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Why were the Europeans in Africa?
Europeans in Africa? It was close by, especially Northern Africa Trade (natural resources & wealth)
Explorers Prince Henry of Portugal was the first European to really explore Africa along the western coast of Africa. Portugal was the first European country to acquire slaves & send them to the New World colonies.
Slavery Once the American colonies were established, the demand for slaves increased dramatically. Needed cheap labor (free) to work on plantations Slavery on a MASSIVE scale
Industrial Revolution period in the late 1700s-1800s when changes came to agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation This changed the way things were done….people were no longer doing things the “old way”. It involved the invention of machines, power and railways. People moved from rural areas to urban areas
So…what happened to the countries they colonized? Once most of the American colonies won their independence and gave the founding countries the boot, the founding countries still needed those resources.
What was left? Africa was pretty much the only mostly uncolonized continent at the time, so the European countries moved in. Problem was, they were constantly bumping into each other as they claimed land and resources, and of course, this increased tension between these countries and will be at least an indirect cause of WWI.
New Imperialism End of 19th century called New Imperialism -countries competing for land and power Growth of European colonies is called the Scramble for Africa.
The Berlin Conference To avoid wars over territories, US and European leaders met in Berlin in 1884. They decided how to divide Africa – no Africans consulted. Going into the meeting, only 10% of Africa was in Europe’s hands. Europeans owned most by end of conference.
European Colonization of Africa
Impact of Colonial Rule Africans had no control over their own countries. Wars, riots, protest were common. Starvation and disease occurred Africans forced into labor New borders were drawn separating families and tribes