Today’s Scripture: Morning Message: “Love and Anger” 1 Kings 8: 22, 23, 27-30, 41-43 Morning Message: “Love and Anger”
Love and Anger Matthew 21:12-16 Wisdom about Anger Ephesians 4: 26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on the cause of your anger. NET
Take time the same day to get in touch with your anger and uncover its root cause. Unexamined anger will almost always be destructive. Examined anger can become constructive. Express the anger to yourself and to God. Admit, “I am angry.”
Talk to other people about your anger without blaming them Talk to other people about your anger without blaming them. Always claim the emotion as your own. “I am angry. I started to feel angry when I heard these words, when I experienced this event.” The thing that seemed to cause your anger might not be the root cause. It’s better to vent your anger at God than at other people. God can handle your anger. Most other people will be hurt by it.
Jesus’ Anger - Matthew 21: 12 – 14 12Jesus went into the temple and chased out everyone who was selling or buying. He turned over the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of the ones who were selling doves. 13He told them, "The Scriptures say, 'My house should be called a place of worship.' But you have turned it into a place where robbers hide." 14Blind and lame people came to Jesus in the temple, and he healed them. CEB
Malachi 3: 1 – 3 “Suddenly the Lord you are looking for will appear in his temple. . . . On the day the Lord comes, he will be like a furnace that purifies silver or like strong soap in a washbasin. No one will be able to stand up to him. The Lord will purify the descendants of Levi, as though they were gold or silver. ...” CEV
“My house will be known as a house of prayer for all peoples “My house will be known as a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56: 7 CEB
The Religious Leaders’ Anger Matthew 21: 15 – 16 15 But when the chief priests and legal experts saw the amazing things he was doing and the children shouting in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were angry. 16 They said to Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” “Yes,” he answered. “Haven’t you ever read, From the mouths of babies and infants you’ve arranged praise for yourself?” CEB