The Chain of Production.


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Presentation transcript:

The Chain of Production.

The Sectors of the Economy Primary Sector – Extractive Industry Secondary Sector – Construction & Manufacturing Tertiary Sector – Service Sector

Primary Sector Also known as extractive insdustry. Turns natural resources into raw materials for use in secondary sector. Eg. agriculture/farmer, forestry, fishing, mining.

Secondary Sector The manufacturing & construction sector of the economy. It turns raw materials into finished products. Eg. Baker, builder, factory, machinist……

Tertiary Sector Service Sector. Provides support services for the extractive & manufacturing sectors and to consumers. Eg. finance, insurance, medical, beauty, recreation……… It is the last to develop, but eventually becomes largest employer.

Distinguish Between Chain of Production How the product is created Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector Chain/channels of Distribution How/where the product is sold Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer

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