Words of the Day Week 12 Semester 2
Words of the Day – Week 12 Monday, April 6, 2015 Auspicious Expedite Part of Speech: adjective Definition: favorable Sample Sentence: The beginning of the semester was auspicious for Liza; she got an A on the first quiz and saw this as a promise of more good grades to come. Other forms: auspiciously (adv.), auspiciousness (n.) Part of Speech: verb Definition: to hurry up Sample Sentence: Express lanes in supermarkets expedite the checkout process for shoppers who buy only a few items. Other forms: N/A
Words of the Day – Week 12 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Extenuating Fraudulent Part of speech: adjective Definition: dishonest Sample Sentence: Leroy was jailed for filing fraudulent income tax returns. He had been cheating the government for years. Other Forms: fraudulence ( n.), fraudulently (adv.) Part of speech: adjective Definition: providing a good excuse Sample Sentence: I know I promised to come to the surprise party, but there were extenuating circumstances: my car broke down. Other Forms: extenuatingly (adv.)
Words of the Day – Week12 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Innuendo Redeem Part of speech: noun Definition: an obvious lie Sample Sentence: People weren’t willing to say directly that the mayor had taken a bribe, but there were many innuendos such as “Someone must have gotten to him.” Other forms: N/A Part of speech: verb Definition: to make up for past errors Sample Sentences: Tuan’s parents were angry with him for neglecting his chores but he redeemed himself by washing and waxing their car. Other Forms: unredeemed (adj.)
Words of the Day – Week 12 Thursday, April 9, 2015 Subordinate Transgress Part of speech: adjective Definition: lower than Sample Sentence: As a waiter, I take orders from the headwaiter, and he’s subordinate to the manager of the restaurant. Other forms: subordinately (adv.) Part of speech: verb Definition: to commit an offense Sample Sentence: Kianna knew she had transgressed against family wishes when she sold the ring her grandmother had given her. Other Forms: transgressive (adj.)