L’imparfait The « used to » tense.


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Presentation transcript:

L’imparfait The « used to » tense

How do I say « used to? » Step 1: Find the nous form of the verb Faire- faisons Step 2: Take off the ending Faisons – fais-

Step 3: Add these endings Ais ions Ais iez Ait aient

Let’s try a few. I used to run I used to pay I used to sing I used to say

But wait! What about these? They’re regular!! I used to do I used to go I used to have I used to take

Only one Irregular verb: ETRE J’étais nous étions Tu étais vous étiez Il était ils étaient Elle était elles étaient On était

Let’s try these: I used to swim I used to eat I used to sleep I used to think I used to cry I used to kill I used to steal I used to cook.

Let’s Try these: I used to watch You used to be He used to see We used to drink They (masc.) used to write She used to buy You (pl) used to think He and I used to run They used to organize parties


1. I used to cry 2.I used to scream 3. We used to play 4. They used to torture animals 5. You (pl) used to sing 6. You used to slide down the slide

1. I used to put things in my ear. 2. You used to announce 3. I used to throw up 4. We used to pass gas 5. They (fem) used to ask questions 6. He used to spit

1. Kyle used to dance 2. Chris and I used to burp 3. Mathilde and I used to help 4. You (pl) used to wrap 5. They (masc) used to sleep 6. I used to eat

1. I used to buy toys 2. They (masc) used to cry 3. Thomas and Henry used to torture animals 4. Joe used to cause problems 5. She used to ask questions 6. Mary and Bill used to run.

1. They (fem) used to play 2. he used to scream 3. She used to eat 4. Marc and Nadine used to sleep 5. Ben used to watch disney movies 6. Martin and Natalie used to spit

1. Joe used to ask questions 2. Henry and Chris used to run 3. Fred used to drink 4. We used to wrap gifts 5. They (masc) used to blow up balloons 6. étienne used to spit in his sister’s hair.


Richard used to play

I used to sing

I used to run

I used to walk

I used to be

I used to have

I used to know

I used to see

They (fem) used to be able

She used to drink

Mark and Gisèle used to put out (extinguish)

Kyle used to pass gas

Henry used to look for

Fred used to send

I used to inflate

I used to spill milk

We used to organize

They (masc) used to play

You (pl) used to play

Mark and I used to fill

Dominique used to spit

Jean used to cry

Philippe used to sing

Laura used to cause problems

Jérôme used to sleep

Henry and I used to know

Mary used to watch disney movies

We used to draw on the walls

I used to burp

You used to laugh