which means “to bear, to suffer”. The word “tolerance” comes from Latin “tolerare”, which means “to bear, to suffer”.
Psychologists claim that means respecting other people’s beliefs or way of living. tolerance
Tolerance is a term used to describe other people’s attitudes and behaviours whereby they treat us abnormally or which we may consciously or unconsciously disapprove of, nevertheless we try and respect them.
Even if you don’t tolerate somebody’s behaviour you need to tolerate a person itself.
Tolerance should be put together with patience and kindness and never with anger, scorn or indifference.
Tolerance cannot only mean accepting other people’s beliefs or behaviours. It must also mean respecting and understanding (or at least trying to understand) those beliefs that may seem to be strange, unknown or we can’t agree with. Blah, blah!
Tolerance is the foundation of democracy and an open society, it enables concrete discussion without unnecessary aggression or quarrel. Tolerance breaks down differences and joins people in mutual understanding.
Unfortunately lack of tolerance can sometimes mean persecution, harassment or even assault.
In order to make the school society work properly, there’s a need for mutual tolerance between all. That’s why we must not tolerate wrong behaviour towards other pupils, swearing or any form of intolerance including racism or homophobia.
It’s worth remembering: there’s no person tolerates everything
Being tolerant is a big thing! We tolerate many different things about other people, however children can choose to play with others based on silly things … like the brand of new clothes. It’s the same with grown-ups who can sometimes be even more intolerant than children. Being tolerant is a big thing!
Only then can we say we are being tolerant. Let’s look around and notice that everyone has not only the right to choose their religion, way of life but also to their own dress style and we should all respect that and not laugh at this person. We should leave others to live their own lives as they want it. Only then can we say we are being tolerant.
Credit SzkoƗa Podstawowa Nr. 4